Day 6

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Almost during midnight, when I was half asleep, I heard a faint voice. A faint meowing. I woke up to check on Skittles. I totally forgot about Skittles. After what happened that day, I don't think anyone would remember about a cat.
"Hey Skittles, are you okay?" I asked her, whispering.
"You can let me know if you have any problem okay? Just don't wake up Poppy."

"Okay, Candy."

"Poppy, is that you? Are you awake?" I asked, but received no reply.
It must have been a prank that she was trying to pull on me. I decided to talk about it in the morning.

The deafening noise of the alarm woke me up. I saw Poppy's bed empty, and thus assumed her to be already up.
It was a Friday, and I was a bit relaxed 'cause it was the beginning of our weekend. But not too relaxed, because I had one last day of school for this week.

While having breakfast, I noticed that Poppy was trying to avoid eye contact. I knew that she was the one who replied at night, and since now she was busted, she was avoiding me. Whatever, we left for school without talking to each other.

"Candy, hey, are you alright?" asked Amelia, rather concerned.
"Yeah, I am totally fine. Why would you ask?"
"No, it is nothing. I think you seem a bit lost lately."
"Oh, listen. You don't have to be worried about it, okay? I am fine, and I am not in love with Shawn."
"Wait, how did you know I was gonna ask if you are in love with Shawn or not?"
"Amy, I know you since we were 5. It would be weird if I did not know about your thinking."
"Yeah, you are right." Amelia and I chuckled.

I did not give Mrs. Pieterse a single chance to scold or punish me. I was very attentive in class, gave most of the answers, but she did not notice a lot, much to my dismay.

"Okay, children, I need your attention. Who are the participants of the play, The Tempest?" asked Mr. Moore.
"Here. Candice Turner." I said.
"Oh, okay, Candice. I think Mrs. Lockwood selected you. Well, you have to come now."
"Oh, like, now?"
"Yes, Candice."

We went to the drama hall for practicing. I already found Shawn moving from one place to another, as if he was the most important person in the play. Well, he technically was, but, anyways I didn't like him.

"Hey there, Candy. You brought your scripts with ya?" asked Shawn.
"Y-yeah, I guess."
"Okay, then pull 'em out and start memorizing your lines. We would practice once."

It was fun at first but then Luis ruined it all. He could not memorize any of his lines. And guess what, he was Alonso, Ferdinand's dad. He had the physique of a king, but the brain was really, undeveloped. After 67 takes, he could finally memorize 3 sentences. If that was the condition of the characters, I doubted what was gonna happen when the play was actually executed.

I reached home and straight away went to my bedroom to check on Skittles. I couldn't believe that she was still asleep. Now, you see, I was a bit of obsessive type, and so, I also checked if she was breathing or not. Well, she was absolutely fine.
"Candy, I need to talk to you. It is urgent." Poppy came in while talking.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"Why haven't you told Mum about the cat?"
"I thought but I will tell her later on. And by the way, I am still angry on you."
"Angry on me? Why what happened?"
"Oh, you are acting as if you have no idea."
"Well, I don't."
"Poppy, the prank that you pulled on me today at midnight. It wasn't funny at all."
"Prank? At midnight? Candy, were you dreaming?"
"What? No. I know it was you, okay? Now don't try to act smart."
"Candy, I swear I have no idea what you are talking about. I wasn't awake at midnight. You know me right? I wouldn't even wake up if there were burglars in our house. I don't wake up that easily. Wait, Candy, did something happen at midnight?"
"Poppy, are you serious that you weren't the one who talked at midnight?"
"Yeah. I am 100% sure."
"Wait, then does that mean..."

We both shouted and started running here and there. We were pretty sure that it was a ghost who spoke, 'cause Skittles can't speak. Or can she?

"You only live once. This statement is false. You only die once. You live everyday."

- Life Lesson No. 6

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