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"Grab a cocktail Girls." Joyce waved a brightly coloured glass in the air.

The rest of the group were already gathered around the kitchen island chatting away and tentatively sipping the contents of their glasses as Kat and Debbie entered the kitchen.

"I really need some food to soak all this alcohol up." Kat turned to Debbie before taking a sip of the sunset coloured cocktail that Nita had thrust into her hand.

"Holy fuck balls!" Debbie's face scrunched up as she swallowed the large sip she had taken.

"Crickey!" Kat coughed. "That has some kick to it."

"What the heck is in this thing?" Debbie brought the glass closer to her face to examine its contents.

"It's a Jayne special." Joyce laughed before taking a sip and raising her glass.

Kat and Debbie both looked at each other with the same horrified expression.

"I'm going to die," Kat exclaimed. "I'm actually going to die out here from alcohol poisoning."

Debbie took a longer sip. "Yep, well I'll meet you in hell bitch."

Their glasses clinked in jest as the group began to make their way outside to sit in the last of the dusky evening sun whilst they finish their drinks.

"Ladies, I'm a little nervous about this." Natalia swirled the contents of her glass.

The group silenced and looked at each other in a slight confusion.

"I doubt very much the six of them are going to be looking to naughty us lot." Jayne took a long drag from her vape and scowled as she blew its contents above her head.

"We'd eat 'em alive." An already tipsy Nita shouted across the table causing an eruption of laughter from the rest of the group.

"Mind you, I wouldn't mind that one that's got his eye on our Kat naughtying me." Gill raised her glass in the air and playfully nudged Kat who was seated next to her.

Laughter filled the air again as Kat sank into her chair with embarrassment.

"We could only hope." Debbie joked raising her glass in the air. "A toast to... to hopefully becoming sex slaves to hot young men."

Joyful cheers ensued as the women all raised their glasses in jest. "To sex." they all roared as they clinked their glasses together.

"I didn't mean that." Natalia interrupted, finally catching her breath through the tears of laughter. "I was just thinking that what if the food was shit and we can't eat it, I'm going to be on my backside after a few more glasses if I don't get something in me."

"So you are holding out to be naughtied then?" Jayne smirked from behind her large glass.

Another roar of laughter rippled around the table filling the warm evening air.

"I'm sure the food will be fine, they wouldn't have invited us if they couldn't deliver." Joyce brought the table to reason. "Goodness me." Her arms flapped around as she flustered. "It's 7:35 already ladies, we should head over."

They quickly finished off their drinks, apart from Kat who couldn't stomach the remaining contents of a Jayne special and quickly tidied up before making the short walk along the dimly lit path to the next villa.

"Do I look ok?" Kat quietly asked Debbie as they dawdled at the back of the group.

Debbie turned her head narrowing her eyebrows as she eyed Kat. "In the 2 years I've known you, you've never once asked me if you look ok. Are you nervous?" She smirked.

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