Yeah boy

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Kat woke to the snoring symphony of Debbie lying next to her, she rubbed the sleep from her heavy eyes and winced as the fuzzy memories of last night began to resurface.

The evening had been a success with the two groups getting along like old friends and chatting away till the early hours of the morning, although they probably would have carried on longer if Joyce and Gill hadn't decided to call time, conscious that they all needed to be up relatively early for their now joint adventure to Florence.

Debbie was eager to find out where Kat and Damian had disappeared to, so once they were back in their own Villa she followed Kat up to her room for a full debrief, but ended up passing out on the bed before Kat could finish getting her face washed and PJ's on.

Kat lifted her heavy head off the pillow and instantly regretted it as her brain felt like it was swishing back and forth inside her skull. She rolled off the edge of the bed as carefully as she could but it still wasn't enough as she suddenly raced to the toilet just in time to reacquaint herself with last nights consumption.

Momentarily feeling better she moved to the sink to splash her face and brush her teeth, grimacing in disgust as she caught sight of her haggard reflection in the mirror.

'Nooooo!' She groaned as she pulled at the skin around her eyes. 'I can't look like this today.' She moaned loudly as she tried to pinch some colour into her pasty cheeks. The smell of the musky room was starting to make her feel sick again so she shakily scurried across to the balcony doors and threw them open, letting the fresh morning air sharply hit her. The noise of the creaky doors caused Debbie to stir and groan from the bed.

"Ugggghhhh!" Debbie muffled as she turned into the pillow.

Kat stepped out onto the balcony and took several deep breaths as she steadied herself on the railing. The tiny hairs on her arms stood to attention as a cool breeze caressed her skin causing her to shiver slightly. Settling her queasiness she allowed her gaze to wander across to the still villa opposite her then let her face sink into her hands as she remembered word vomiting all over Damian in the kitchen. 'Ugh!' She groaned aloud once more.

"What?" Debbie mumbled from under the pillow.

"Nothing," Kat answered back as another wave of sickness came over her, this time unsure if it was from the alcohol or the embarrassment. Looking out on the horizon a small streak of blue sky was trying to break through the blanket of grey clouds and her thoughts shifted again, dragging her teeth along her bottom lip she thought back to Damian's slightly crooked smile. Her mouth slowly twitched into a half-grin as she remembered how his eyes widened with surprise when she called him cute, then her stomach churned again as she returned to her embarrassing ramblings. The gentle knock at the door startled her out of her daydream.

"Come in." She croaked through her dry throat.

Rachel's endearing blue eyes peered around the door.

"Morning, no ones up yet but I thought you guys might need some water." Her full lips parted into a warming smile as she waved the bottles out in front of herself.

"Oh my God, you beautiful human." Kat welcomed the gesture and beckoned Rachel to join her on the balcony.

Gratefully accepting one of the bottles as Rachel arrived next to her, Kat chugged half of its contents before padding over to the dresser and grabbing some paracetamol from her bag. She popped two out from the packet for herself and then put the box and the other bottle of water on the bedside table next to Debbie, who had somehow managed to nod back off.

Back on the balcony she gestured to Rachel to take a seat and she took the other one continuing to slowly sip what water she had left.

"Last night was fun." Rachel broke the silence. "They are a nice bunch of lads aren't they, and that food was phenomenal. I totally wasn't expecting it to be that good."

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