I need the Sun to break

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Kat pulled her phone out of her bag and clicked on Damian's name as she leant against the kitchen island.

- Hey, just got back. I need to eat and then I can come round if you want?

Instantly the blue ticks showed up next to the message causing her lips to curl at the corners.

- Definitely. I'll see you shortly then. X

Kat bashfully grinned at her phone as Gill and Joyce appeared and began their well-choreographed routine of preparing food, seamlessly weaving in and out of each other as various pots and pans appeared causing the kitchen to become a hive of activity.

"Drink?" Debbie asked as she walked around Kat and into the kitchen area.

"No thanks." Kat shook her head and placed the phone on the countertop next to her.

"Are you still going to see him?" Debbie peered over the rim of her glass as she inspected the watermarks on it before tutting and filling it with sparkling water.

"Yeah, I'm going over there after dinner."

"Have you shaved?" Debbie's eyebrows danced in jest.

"Oh for the love of God Debbie." A flush of warmth swept over Kat's cheeks. "That's not what I'm going round for."

"I know, I know, but it doesn't mean it couldn't lead to that. You should always be prepared." Debbie ran her fingers through her hair, tugging gently at the knotted ends as she eyed Kat.

"Well, for your info, I preened this morning in the shower, however, it's not happening. I've literally just met him, and single or not, I'm just not that type of girl." Kat sarcastically rolled her eyes at Debbie who smirked into her glass as she took a large sip.

"Come on Kat, just let go. It's been what, 2 years? Like, are you even sure it all still works down there?" Debbie snorted into her glass causing Joyce and Gill to subtly mimic her actions.

"We're done." Kat rolled her eyes again as she headed over to the dining table with the plates and cutlery that Joyce had quietly slipped in front of her.

The chuckles from Debbie, Joyce and Gill increased in volume as Kat continued to shake her head and set the table.

Dinner was done relatively quickly, simple pasta and sauce were laid out on the table and the group ate with minimal conversation due to their tiredness. Kat finished as quickly as she could and awkwardly excused herself from the table before heading up to her room to freshen up.

Within a few minutes, she was ready to go and headed back down into the living room area where the rest of the ladies were sitting around the fire chatting away.

"You going over to see Damian's sweetie?" Gill smiled warmly as her flushed cheeks glowed from the warmth of the fire mixed with the excessive consumption of wine.

Kat took a deep steadying breath and nodded.

"Are you coming back?" Joyce looked up from her book and pushed her glasses back up her nose.

"Joyce." Nita loudly announced as her eyes fully opened.

"What?" Joyce's eyebrows creased into a deep v shape.

"You can't ask her that." Natalia giggled from behind her wine glass.

"I wasn't prying." Joyce instantly protested as she shifted in her large armchair. "I just didn't know whether to leave the door unlocked."

Kat smiled amusingly. "Yes Joyce, I will definitely be back. I doubt it'll be too long."

"I hope it won't be too long either." Jayne quickly chipped in as she comically nodded in Kat's direction.

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