Waiting on a Song

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'Why is this suddenly so difficult?' Kat questioned herself as she stared into her wardrobe, labouring over its contents and passing over a perfectly fine pair of light blue ripped jeans. 'I need to make an effort... but not look like I've made an effort.' She continued to ramble to herself as she ran her fingers down a floor-length black maxi skirt. 'Got it.' She smirked, lifting the skirt of its hanger and laying it out on the bed.

Heading over to the dresser she opened the drawer and lifted out a perfectly folded plain white t-shirt, carefully placing it next to the skirt. The shopping bags in the corner of the room caught her eye and a devious smile crept across her face as she padded over to it and lifted out the strapped underwear set she had brought the other day. Delicately pulling off the tags she then slipped them on and studied herself in the long mirror that hung on the inside of the wardrobe door, blushing slightly at the sight of the woman standing in front of her. She ran her finger across the laced fabric sitting against her skin before pausing for a second to adjust the straps sitting across the top of her breast making them appear fuller than the cup. 'Ok, let's go with this.' She sighed deeply and took a final long look at herself before stepping into the black maxi skirt and pulling the t-shirt over her head.
Her nose crinkled as she swished the skirt back and forth still unconvinced by the look.
Her lips pursed together in frustration as she went back through the contents of her wardrobe, forcefully sliding the hangers back and forth. Finally, she decided to swap the t-shirt for a light blue denim shirt, she left the bottom few buttons undone and tied a knot in the front so it bunched in at her waist and showed the tiniest amount of her stomach. Heading back over to the dresser she shifted through some costume jewellery that she had brought with her, placing two long gold necklaces over her head, and some small golden studs in the second piercing of her ears, large hoops in the lower lobe and a small golden cuff at the top.

"5 minutes and I'm ready." Debbie's voice bellowed through the paper-thin wall adjoining the two rooms.

"Ok," Kat called back as she slid a wooden bangle over her hand.

Moving into the bathroom to check her make up was still ok she pouted at her hair and pulled the bobble out causing the thick waves to cascade over her shoulders. "Fucks sake." she cursed loudly whilst quickly separating her hair into two sections so the top was in a high thin ponytail and the rest hung down her back, she applied a small amount of serum to tame a few wild strands that wouldn't stay in place before continuing to analyse every minute detail of her face and outfit. She grabbed her eye pen and thickened out the flicks of her wing eyeliner, then moved her head from side to side checking they were exactly symmetrical before reapplying her soft pink lip gloss, and finally settling with her look.
"I'm coming now." She shouted through the wall to Debbie as she grabbed her leather jacket from the back of the chair.

Downstairs the rest of the group were already in party mode sipping large glasses of the Aperol spritz that Joyce had made. Nita handed out glasses as Kat and Debbie reached the large marble island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Saluti." the group echoed as they all raised their glasses.

"I can't believe how quickly this week has gone," Natalia announced.

"I know." Rachel nodded in agreement.

"I can't believe we only have three days left." Nita pouted into her glass.

"Oh, it's been just lovely though hasn't it." Gill smiled as she contently looked around the group.

Kat felt her stomach churn at the thought of there only being three days left, then this would all be over, it would be the last time she saw Damian, and a realisation presented itself that honestly, she didn't want it to end.

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