Chapter 31

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Kate's pov


Holy mother fucking shit. Jesus fucking Christ, what the actual fucking fuck of fuckery just fucking happened, oh my fucking God.

The adrenaline floods my system like it's on an intravenous drip - right into my blood at full pelt. I think my heart might explode and my eyes were wide, letting in every ounce of the fading light.

My lips still tingled from the mere thought of Autumn's lips being so close to mine, my chest rising and falling heavily as my mind swirled around with the feeling in my stomach

Her words still running through my head

"Still think you can resist me?"

If she could make me feel like that then I'm sure there's no way I could resist Autumn. My body felt like it was on fire, pleasure seemed as if it was ten times more intense with her

God fucking dammit what was wrong with me.

I was a moaning mess just a few seconds ago, her hands on my body made me weak. Autumn Hester made me fucking weak. Something I never thought I'd hear myself say.

I almost gave in, I was so close to giving into her. I really need to get myself together, it's a game to her. A deal that she wanted to win and I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction that I was weak

Even if I had to hide it.

Dear God what was I doing to myself, Autumn had be submitting myself to her like a pathetic school girl with a crush on the PE teacher

My life is taking a turn, my decisions are taking a turn and I was surely not fine with it

My heart was finally returning back to its righted pace, my back slid again the headboard as I found a comfortable position in my bed

But the thing is, I still don't know what's going on in that head of hers.

I have no idea why she does the things she do, I have no idea what she was even thinking in that moment

That.. Hot, sexual moment of bliss with her hands caressing my sides and her soft lips pressing against the sensitive areas of my skin. That intense drive of wanting each other, needing to be kissed until I was out of breath

Jesus she was in my head. That's exactly what she wanted. To be in my head, teasing every one of my senses

But the thought of her lips just traveling down my neck, leaving that burn on my skin was driving me insane right now

She was taking this deal to another level and I don't know how much more of it I could take

If only I knew what she was thinking,


Usually, the sun would bring happy times into the picture and make everything look beautiful with its saturated colours but I wasn't having any of it today

The covers were tossed off my body and I lazily made my way into the shower to hopefully wash away the exhaustion of my body

But neither hot nor cold water was taking away that feeling inside me that felt like mush, a combination of tired and wanting to staple myself on the bed until it dry rotted

I made my way out of the shower to throw on something casual since hair and makeup would take care of everything when I got to set

Making my way down the stairs, it seemed more quiet than usual. There wasn't the morning yelling from Autumn at the few reporters that would hide at the gate or Autumn yelling through the phone at her publicist

Quiet On Set (GirlxGirl) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora