Chapter 56

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Narrator's pov


When our lust fills us, we have no control over the person we walk around as

But instead, we become someone that is being controlled by our own sexual energy.

Sometimes we try to fight it, but the pleasure can be so overwhelming that we have no choice but to give in and lose ourselves

Kate let out a slow controlled breath and attempted to loosen her body movements. Autumn was walking towards her, making her heart skip a beat with each step

Her breath hitched in her throat when fingers hooked under her chin and tilted her head up to face those blue eyes that could drown her

Her eyes were a chilling, pale blue, less like ice and more like a blizzard filling Kates senses.

They were the blue of a water so deep that you were afraid to jump in, but you were still tempted to.

"Are you afraid to look at me?" Autumn questioned as she dropped her fingers from the girl's chin, standing just a few inches away from her

"No" Kate mumbled

"Oh relax, it's not like I wasn't seen you naked before" The girl chuckled, stinging Kate's cheek with a bright blush

"It's different okay!" Kate giggled

"Relax, I'm not naked. Yet" Autumn smirked

Kate finally found the courage to glance up and to her surprise, Autumn still had on her sports bra but the tension still wasn't released when she realized the girl was still half naked and her toned body was so close to her own

"What's going on in that head of yours Wilson?" Autumn mumbled

Those piercing blue eyes were controlling her but being so close to the girl was doing something else to her. A heat wave of pleasure flowed through Kate's body

"You" Kate whispered as she glanced up to the girl's eyes

A small smile crept its way onto Autumn's lips as she chuckled softly

"Be careful with your words Kate" Autumn said

"Why should I?" the girl questioned

"Because it'll lead you down a dangerous road" Autumn whispered making the brunette swallow a lump in her throat

"And what if I want to go down that road?" Kate questioned

A deep and raspy chuckle left Autumn's lips. Her fingers barely brushed against the hem of Kate's jeans, but then hooked her fingers around the center of her jeans and harshly slammed their bodies together, smashing their chests and centers

Kate felt an electric shock run through her body that left her weak and unable to control herself. Her head rested onto Autumn's chest as her breathing started to become shaky while her hands barely gripped onto the girl's sides

"I'm pretty sure you can't handle me" Autumn said in a low voice

Through the pressure in her chest and the electric flow through her veins, she still managed to have that confidence within her that wasn't going to let the raven hair girl win whatever game she was playing

"Try me" Kate whispered

Autumn tilted her head to the side as a smirk pulled its way onto her lips. Those blue eyes marked something mysterious within them and Kate wanted to figure it out

With one swift move, Kate's body was spun around and her back was slammed against Autumn's chest. The raven hair girl's hands reached down and cupped Kate's center through her jeans, hearing a sharp moan escape her lips

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