Chapter 72

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Kate's pov


Life can be full of disappointment, making us lower our expectations in life

When that dissapointment crashes, we learn to protect ourselves so we don't feel that pain again

Simple things like not hoping for that promotion or expecting to win that spelling B

I've learnt to make others happy, never to make myself happy

That's why I stood frozen when Autumn's words left her lips

"I like you" Autumn whispered

My brain went on pause as everything became inaudible in a flash. A trance seemed to take over me when I noticed her lips moving in slow motion

Was I dreaming? It was almost 2 in the morning, surely this was a hallucination of some sort.

"Kate?" She whispered, yet I was still in my own little trance

Maybe my mind was faulting and imagining things right? I was wrapped in the arms of the most breathtaking girl I've ever seen, the way her dark hair cascaded down her back and curled at the ends were just perfect, the way her nose scrunched up when she laughed, the way her blue eyes twinkled with excitement when she thought about chocolate. She was simply perfect, but I fell for her for other reasons

I fell for her heart that no one else knew, that heart that held so many tragedies, that heart that weighed heavy and fought off any and everything that tried to get close. I fell for her and now I was imaging her wanting me back

"Goddammit Kate" Autumn groaned, snapping me back into reality

"I knew I shouldn't have said anything" Autumn hissed

"Wait what?" I asked

The raven hair girl shook her head as she tried to break away from our embrace, her arms fell to her side and the warmth I felt immediately left my body

"I thought it was obvious but I guess it was just sex for you, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anythin-"

That's when it hit me like a big Mac truck running over a crunchy fallen leave. My brain was functioning right and God knows I wasn't imagining it

Autumn likes me. Autumn fucking Hester actually likes me.

I know y'all are yelling at me in your brain right now but I DIDN'T KNOW

"I'll call a car, you can ride with Ric-"

"Autumn" I said sternly

"I'm sorry I didn't mea-"

"Autumn" I chuckled softly, taking another step closer to her

"I really shouldn't have said anythin-"

"dear God. AUTUMN" I laughed, wrapping my arms around her neck again

"Yes?" She whispered

I could tell there was panic in her eyes, they seemed more gloomy than usual. Her fingers trembled slightly and her cheeks seemed pale, the blood had drained from her face and I was sure to return it

"I like you too" I chuckled

It took a second for realization to hit her but when it did, God knows how beautiful it was

Her gloomy greyish eyes lit up into the bright blue sky as the corner of her lips twisted up into a smile

I squealed when I felt her arms wrap around my back and lift me off my feet. On instinct, my thighs wrapped around her waist and I gripped her shoulders even tighter when I felt our bodies swing around

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