Chapter 102

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Narrator's pov


"Dumbasses, all of you" Autumn glared

"Oh come on, don't scare away your fans" Kate chuckled as she hooked her fingers with her girlfriend's

"They're all MEAN" Autumn glared again to the photographers who started to flash their photos again

"I know you're not, that's all that matters right?" Kate asked

"No. The fuck. People's opinions matter to me" Autumn snickered

"Oh really?"

"No I'm just kidding, I only value you and everything that goes on in that tiny little brain of yours" Autumn grinned

"Tiny little brain?"

The raven hair girl chuckled softly before leaning down to her girlfriend and hooking her arms around her waist, her lips hovered closer to Kate's ear

"I mean, if you're not satisfied with your brain then I can blow your brains out" Autumn smirked

"You did not just say that!"

"Shh be quiet, but then again we both know you're a screamer" Autumn winked



"OH MY GOD" Kate groaned causing the girl to chuckle

"Hop on my back" she said

Kate didn't even question it, she simply chuckled and hooked her arms around Autumn's neck from behind. The raven hair girl took her girlfriend's legs and hooked them around her waist as she lifted the girl up and started walking towards the main entrance of the premier, carrying the girl on her back

Kate giggled as they moved towards the red carpet, her heart starting to speed up with each step

Perhaps it was finally syncing in, her life truly did change when she landed that role. It was easy to forget how important it was when they were filming. The chaos and stress combined was enough to make anyone forget why they were chasing their goals but after the project had ended, realization was making its way back up to Kate

She had already been booked by dozens of producers that desperately wanted her to play parts in their projects, some even going as far as to create a whole new character with writers just so the girl can appear in their show. Agents were all lined up and calling her phone every few minutes which just made her buy another phone

It all changed just a few days ago on Autumn's birthday, the day of official releasing of the trailers. Views went directly into the millions in just two hours of being released. Everyone immediately knew it was going to be a successful launch

So it was finally settling in, that small town girl that barley made her way through high school was now making her first appearance on the red carpet to the premier of her first big film

If that ain't a big flex moment then I don't know what is

"Are you ready?" Autumn asked

Kate's eyes wondered off to the platform that awaited them. Photographers all lined through the barriers, screaming after them to get a closer shot. Each and every camera was on the girls that night and Kate had no idea how to feel about it

She smiled, her cheeks burned from smiling so hard but she couldn't help it. Everything she had ever dreamed of was making its way into her life. She was walking down her own path of success and no one was going to take it away from her

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