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No one makes a noise, the only sounds in the cafeteria are the ones made by the two guys fighting. It's not an actual fight though, because the only one fighting is Liam, Cavin is just collecting fist after fist crying and begging him to stop. He doesn't. I have never seen anything like this before. Even if I've seen fights many times in school and on TV, I've never seen someone so violent as Liam. It's like he transformed into a wild animal and that guy is his prey, even the sounds he makes hitting him are not human.

I cry leaning on Mary's body and she caresses my head whispering calming words. Logan runs to his brother and starts pulling him off the guy's body, yelling at him to stop because he's killing him. Only when our sports teacher, Mr. Freeman, comes helping Logan pulling his brother, they manage to get him off Cavin's body. His face is covered in blood, he doesn't stand up and I realize he can't stand up because he passed out.

When Liam turns his face to look at me he looks like an enraged wolf, breathing hard with his lips parted and clenched teeth. His black curly hair was a mess getting into his wild eyes. I look at him unable to breathe anymore, I can't move or say or do something, I just stare into his black eyes crying.

Mr. Freeman lets go of him, goes to help Cavin screaming for someone to call Miss Andromeda, our college's doctor.

"Are you ok?" Liam asks me without taking his eyes from mine, but I don't find my words.

Mr. Freeman comes in front of Liam and starts screaming at him, but he ignores him completely. Liam's face is still turned towards me when the teacher grabs his head forcing the angry boy to look at him.

"You're in big trouble, boy!" the teacher says frowning at Liam. "What the hell happened here?" 

He demands as George and two other guys help Miss Andromeda to carry Cavin's body out of the cafeteria and into the college's cabinet. No one says a word as we all look at Mr. Freeman with scared faces, all except Liam who looks like he's about to punch our teacher too. 

"Everyone to your classes, now!" he says yelling at the curious faces of our colleagues. 

Everyone gets out in a rush except Liam, Logan who is still holding him, Mary who has me all wrapped up in her arms, and Alicia who takes a step forward placing herself so I am squeezed between her body and Mary's. 

"Will someone start to speak or do I have to call for the principal? Or even better, your parents."

We keep quiet, but everyone's eyes are on me, except Liam and Mr. Freeman who are looking directly into each other's eyes like they are in a staring competition.

"Do you realize, Liam, that you could be expelled for this? He could even press charges against you..."

He defended me, he got himself into so much trouble because of me, it is my fault. I don't know-how but as soon as I realize that I know exactly why everyone is looking at me, because I am the one who should talk, I need to do something to get Liam out of trouble. 

I take a step forward making Mr. Freeman break the eye contact with Liam and focus on me. I am shaking, tears still pour from my eyes, my hair must be a mess and as I look down at myself I see my t-shirt all wrinkled where Cavin's hand grabbed my breast. 

"It's my fault, Mr. Freeman" I manage to say looking straight at the floor. 

"Your fault my ass," Liam says with an angry voice. 

'I advise you to watch out for your language" young man.

Liam pushes his brother aside and takes one step closer to Mr. Freeman who started walking towards me, blocking him from reaching me. Mr. Freeman looks at me while Liam takes Mary's place on my right placing his hand gently on my back.

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