Evil Person

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Chapter 22

Unknown's POV

"Manya! Manya! Manya! My treasure. Finally! I found you. You'll be my lottery. I'd done a big mistake, by leaving you. But now you'll be mine. I know baby, you've become rich now. You are staying at Sehgal mansion like their daughter. God has given me a chance to win you and change my future. I'm coming for you, and soon,Manya."

A man was sitting in a dark room. A dim bulb throwing light on him showing his evil face. He was talking to Manya's photo, looking at the picture with lust and possession.

"I'm regretting now that I left you. I made a big mistake following your sister. That stupid Rachna... bitch!"

"Your family is stupid. They don't know about you, your identity, that's why they don't know your worth. But don't worry, baby! I know your importance. You're a treasure of wealth and means of living a luxurious life." He said and caressed the picture in his hand.

"You'll be mine, soon, baby. You'll be my ladder to lead me to success. I'm coming.. I'm coming!" He said the last sentence and kissed her picture, laughed evily.

He took his phone from the table and dialled a number. After hearing what the person on the other side said, he said.

"I want to reach her. So do whatever you want to do so that I can meet her. Give me some suggestions how do I enter her life again." Said he, and cut the call.

"I'm coming. Wait, and watch, baby." said he, looking at her picture and laughing.

Manya's POV

"Good morning." I said to everyone present at the breakfast table and  sat on my chair. Mom served me aloo paratha (potato pancakes) and I thanked her, smiling, and started eating.

They were all looking at me like they were seeing me for the first time. A frown came on my forehead looking at their faces.

"What happened? Why're you all looking at me like that" I asked as I stopped eating.

Nothing, Bacha, (child) You eat your food."  Said papa and smiled at me.

I looked at Bhai who was grinning from ear to ear and looking at me.

I questioned him 'what' with my expressions.

"Arjun, why're you grinning? Tell us. We also want to know about what made you so happy? Asked Amrita, and looked at him curiously.

"Hmm.. I'll tell you all after eating. So let's finished our breakfast." Said Arjun and took a bite of prantha and put in Amrita's mouth, to stop her questions.

Amrita glared at him and munched on her food, making everyone laugh.

After eating, Arjun told them all his reason of happiness.

"Arhaan told me that Manya talked to him last night. He offered her a job in his company as there's a vacancy for her. But Manya refused it." Bhai said and looked at me.

"No Bhai, I didn't refuse it. I told him that I want to talk to you first, then I'll decide." Said me.

"Oh my lovely sister, I'm so happy for you. You don't have to ask me about it. I trust Arhaan. You should say yes to him." Said Bhai holding my shoulder .

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