Chapter 10: Movie Night!

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Angel woke up, laying on the couch in the staff floor living room. He felt like he'd been run over by a truck and nearly pulled when he tried to sit up. The spider glanced around, confused on how he'd gotten here, or why he was covered in bandages. That's when his memory struck him horribly.


Angel started laughing after Valentino made his proposal. The moth let go of the porn star as the Triple V stared at him in confusion.

"Like I would ever help ya hurt Alastor!" Angel wiped a year of glee from his cheek and flicked it to the ground, "I don't care what you offer, or what ya do to me, I will never help ya hurt the deer!" Angel crossed his four arms and gave them a hard glare.

"Alastor has more power then all of ya, otherwise ya wouldn't be bargainin' with me to help ya. Ya're scared of him, and I'm glad! Unlike three, Alastor fears nothin', so go ahead and beat me up for all I care!" Angel's momentary triumph suddenly vanished as the three demons before him began laughing.

"Then I guess I don't need you anymore, Angel Cakes~" Val's voice was menacing as Velvet pulled a knife out of a hidden sheath under her sleeve.


Angel didn't want to remember the rest. Now he just remembered how he'd gotten out of the studio alive. The spider was about to call put for Charlie when the princess, Furfur, Vaggie, Husk, Cherri Bomb, Mimzy, Rosie, Nifty, and Charlie's friend, Baxter all came in and saw him.

"Angie!" Cherri rushed over and wrapped him in a hug, trying not to hurt him, "Thank fuck you're okay! You were so bloody when Al brought you in and I thought-"

"Wow Sugar Tits, calm down! I'm fine." Angel was soon surrounded by Charlie, Mimzy, and Nifty as well. They all fawned over him, questioning what happened and thanking that Alastor had gotten to him I'm time.

"Wait, hold on! Where is Bambi, and how'd he find me?" Angel couldn't see or hear the Radio Demon, and felt worried about how he'd discovered the injured spider.

"What do you mean?" Vaggie asked while walking over, "Al said you called him after you were done with what your boss needed and asked him to get you. He said when he got there he found a gang beating you half to death. God he was so pissed when cane back with you, looked like he was gonna kill someone."

"Oh. Must have blacked out." Angel filed away a reminder to thank Alastor later for not telling everyone what really happened, but that still didn't tell him how he'd found him.

"You're lucky to be alive, Angel." Baxter said as he touched his glasses up on his face, "had Alastor not gad Charlie call me, you probably would have bled out." Baxter was the go to emergency doctor for the hotel, since Hell didn't have any hospitals.

"Guys, where is Alastor?" Angel's time was a little more worried now. Vaggie had said Alastor was pissed, what of he went back to the studio to confront the Triple V?

"Right here." Came a familiar, and welcoming voice from the doorway. Everyone turned to see Alastor in the doorway, a paper grocery bag in each hand.

"Al!" Angel said, relief washing over him as he saw the deer, looking completely unscathed.

"Hello, Angel! You're looking better then before!" Alastor walked over and set his bags at the end of the couch opposite from where Angel sat. He then proceeded to sit next to the spider, giving him a once over to make sure all of his bandages still held good. When he was satisfied, he reached into one of his bags and pulled out a box of chocolate covered cherries, which he then held out to a surprised Angel Dust.

"I thought this might help you feel better." Alastor spoke with a gentle smile. He didn't want to let on how worried he'd been when he'd found Angel, bloody and beaten at Valentino's feet.

"Uh...thanks." the pornstar took the box hesitantly, glancing at the bags, "What else did you get?"

"Hold on," Vaggie interjected, "does no one else want to know where he's been?" Vaggie crossed her arms, "He storms off looking like a a rabid dog and comes back with two bags?" Alastor chuckled at Vaggie's statement.

"Dear Vagatha, let me show you what I did while absent from here." Vaggie expected Alastor to take a head or something out of the bag as he reached into them, but instead the Radio Demon took out a DVD.

"Is that..." Husk trailed off, to drunk to really form a sentence.

"It's one of those portable picture shows!" Alastor spoke happily, "I thought since today has been a bit hectic, we could relax and do one of those "movie nights" Charlie talks about. I even bought everyone snacks!" As if to prove it's truth, Alastor dumped one of his bags out in the space between him and Angel, revealing candy and junk food galore.

"Wow." Mimzy responded. Alastor snapped his fingers, causing another recliner to appear next to the other, and a love seat on the opposite end of the couch.

"Now we have a little more seating." Alastor proclaimed.


Once everyone had some snacks (and a drink from Alastor's other bag) Charlie put in the movie. Furfur and Rosie perched on the recliners, Cherri and Mimzy sat on the love seat, Charlie, Vaggie, and Baxter lounged on the floor, Husk sat in the left end of the sofa with Nifty by his side since she was so small, and Alastor sat on the right with Angel in the middle. The spider was leaning against the deer, but Alastor didn't seem to mind, he even put an arm around Angel Dust's shoulders.

The movie Alastor had picked was called Devil's Armada. It was about a navy man who was apart of the deadliest force in the British navy. It had action, comedy, and a dash of romance. Of course Alastor's attention wasn't really focused on the movie, it was focused on the warmth he felt from the spider who's head rested on his shoulder.


The Radio Demon remembered that feeling he'd had, that Angel was in horrible trouble. He'd looked everywhere for the spider to make sure he was okay, but when he hadn't found him anywhere in the hotel, he'd thought that maybe Angel was at his place of work. That's when Alastor made the connection that Valentino, best friend of Vox, had seen the news and knew about their date.

Once he'd appeared in Valentino's office, Alastor saw a bloodied and battered Angel Dust on the floor, Valentino leering over his body. At that point logical reasoning left Alastor's mind as a burning fire of rage took over. When the Triple V noticed Al in a shadowy corner, it was already to late. The deer flicked his hand and all three went flying, each pinned down by Alastor's shadow minions.

Vox let out a strong of profanities that only increased when Alastor wacked his face/screen with his cane, leaving a giant crack. He then took the bloodied knife from Velvet's hand and stabbed it into her hand up to the holy, making Velvet scream. Alastor then went to Valentino and slashed the moth's fave with his claws.

Alastor realized he needed to leave when he looked and saw Angel ok the floor again. He wouldn't be able to hold all three of these powerful demon for much longer, and he didn't have a date chance against all three. The deer picked up the pornstar bridal style and glared back at Triple V.

"If you ever come near my Angel again, I'll kill every one if you."


As the memory faded from Alastor's mind, he realized Angel Dust was now asleep, using the deer's shoulder as a pillow. Alastor let his head rest on the top of Angel's, and soon fell asleep himself.

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