Chapter 11: Sleep Over!

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"This is actually kinda cute." Vaggie said to no one in particular as they all goggled at Angel and Alastor cuddled on the couch. As the credits began to play on the movie and the lights were flicked on, Nifty pointed out the two asleep on the couch. After seeing the adorable scene, Charlie turned the TV off so they didn't wake up.

"I gotta have a picture." Husk chuckled teasingly as he pulled out his phone. This was perfect blackmail...until Alastor spoke in a chilling, half asleep voice.

"Husker, if you take that picture, I will snap your wrist." The deer's eyes opened as he gazed at the demons before him with sleep glazed eyes. Husk put his phone away and grumbled into his beer.

"It's rude to stare." As if Alastor had spoken a hidden command, everyone looked off in different directions at once. Charlie tried to offer an embarrassed apology.

"S-sorry Al! It's just you and Angel don't normally-"

"Get all cozy and cute?" The spider offered as he too, opened drowsy eyes.

"Yeah." Charlie agreed, starring at her shoes.

"Well better get used to it, doll face!" Angel exclaimed with a smile, "'Cause I like it here." As if to emphasize his point, Angel wrapped his arms around the deer, causing Alastor to try and protest.

"Now hold on-" Angel Dust put one slender finger to Alastor's lips, silencing the deer with a blush on his cheeks, and causing a few snicke wers among the others.

"Smiles, ya got to use my chest as a pillow the other day, so ya better make yarself comfortable because I hurt to much to get up and walk, and if ya carry me, I'll pull ya into my bed." To flustered to argue, Alastor sighed in defeat. Angel moved a bit so Alastor could hoist his legs onto the couch, he then proceeded to lay on top of the deer, resting his head in Alastor's chest.

"Comfortable?" Alastor said with a smirk as Angel Dust nuzzled his chest.

"Very," Angel let his chin rest on his hands as he gazed up at Alastor with sultry eyes, "It's not as cozy as our l'tle sleep over the other night, but it'll do considering the circumstances." Angel smirked as Alastor's cheeks turned rosy, which was just the reaction he wanted. Rosie now covered her hand as she tried not to laugh. Furfur began to smile.

"Son, does he mean you two-"

"No another word!" Alastor's voice cracked from embarrassment as he jabbed a finger at his father, "And even if we did, which we DIDN'T, it's none of your damn business!" The usual radio static in the deer's voice kept cutting in and out as he spoke. It also hummed lowly in the room, giving off just how embarrassed Alastor was.

"Hey Bambi~" Angel cooed as Alastor tried to hide his reddened face in his hands.

"What?" Alastor's tone was agitated as he peeked from in between his fingers. He hadn't been expecting Angel to blow him a kiss.

"You're really cute when your flustered." Angel snickered at how Alastor let out an "eep" sound.

"Okay guys, I think we should get going, it's late!" Charlie tried to get everyone to leave the couch, trying to save Alastor at least a little of his dignity.

"Have fun with your boyfriend son!" Furfur said as he walked out quickly, narrowly missing Alastor's cane, which had been thrown at his head. The cane imbedded itself in the wall, less then half an inch from Furfur's head.

"Hey Cherri, can ya feed Fat Nuggets for me?" Angel called as Cherri walked towards the elevator.

"Sure thing! Love ya slut!" Cherri snickered as she draped an arm over Mimzy.

"I love ya too, whore!"


When everyone was gone, Alastor gave Angel a funny look.

"You and Cherri have strange ways of showing affection for each other." Angel Dust giggled at the deer's statement.

"That's 'cause we've been best buds for years. Cherri was the first real friend I made down here, she's the one I go to when I need to talk to someone." Angel took notice on how Alastor smiled at his response.

"That's what Rosie and Mimzy are to me. I always go to one of them when I need help. Mimzy's been my friend since life, and I met Rosie when I became an Overlord, since she's one too." Angel gasped at the last part Alastor said.

"Rosie's an Overlord? Why the fuck am I only learning this now?"

"She's considered the weakest Overlord, so she's not well known. She prefers it that way actually." Now that they were alone, Alastor didn't mind putting his arms around the spider on top of him.

"Well I guess that makes since." Angel let the side of his head rest on the deer's chest, finding the steady thump of Alastor's heart comforting.

"Angel," Alastor spoke after a moment of silence, his tone worried, "you're not going to go back to Valentino are you?" The spider didn't move at the question, but spoke softly.

"That reminds me, how did you find me Alastor?" Angel felt the rise and fall of Alastor's chest stop for a moment as the deer got caught in invisible headlights.

"I'm...not sure. I got this horrid feeling that you were in trouble, then remembered that Vox and Valentino were friends. That made me realize that if they'd seen the news and learned that we had been on a date, then Valentino probably wouldn't be happy, so I went to the porn studio." Alastor didn't continue after that, he didn't want to remember seeing Angel like that, all bloody and beaten.

"You beat the crap out of them didn't you?" Angel's sudden question ringed in Alastor's ears.

"That's one way to put it." It pleased Alastor to hear Angel chuckle a bit at the answer.

"Good." Angel's done suddenly became cold and chilling, making Alastor a bit uneasy.

A few more moments of silence passed between the two, until Angel brought his face up to the deer's. Alastor froze, not sure what the spider was doing. The pornstar stayed in that spot, sending to question his next move before he leaned in slowly, giving Alastor plenty of time to push him away, but he didn't. Alastor made no move to stop the spider as he kissed him. All Alastor did was melt into Angel's kiss, absorbing every bit of it.

Their eyes were closed in the tender moment, but that didn't stop either of them from letting their hands roam the body of their partner. There was nothing truly sexual about the touching, but there was a strong intemacy about it. Soon Angel traced a finger up Alastor's arm until their hands were clasped together. They broke apart from the kiss, gazing at each other with an intense, burning passion. Alastor brought his free hand up to gently caress Angel's cheek, a dazed, happy smile on his lips.

"What are we, Angel?" The question sounded vague, but Angel's answer spoke for them both.

"I don't know, but I don't want it to end." Their lips met again, and their hands continued to venture across the other's body. They continued this until both fell asleep, oblivious to the world around them, completely lost in each other.


Hey guys. I just wanted to ask y'all to take a look at the person's writing. They're new to writing fanfiction, but I see a lot of potential in them and hope you will too. So go check them out and help them grow like you did for me.


Also, happy Spooktober!!!

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