1 - Law

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"Would those who have number one please step forward" Nami wasted no time with starting the game of seven minutes in hell. I look over to see Law standing up as he scans the crowd, I double check my number is correct before I stand up as well quickly making my way into the closet. I'll be spending the next seven minutes in a small space and with my crush none the less, just peachy.

Law walks in before the closet door slams shut and a small 'click' is hear. "Geez did they really have to lock the door to? It's not like it's going to keep us in here, right Law?..."

"Law?" I know this man's cold towards others but is he really not going to even talk to me, one of his only friends? I'll be damned if my seven minutes is going to be spent in totally silence. Plus, like Nami said we needed to kiss at least once while trapped in here but I'm not sure if she'd really know if we didn't.

"Trafalgar Law, come sit down. Relax~" "Sorry (Y/N)-ya" He quickly sits down pretty close to me. He doesn't really have a choice due to the small closet size so our legs are almost touching. I reach out to take his hands and there slightly shaking, is he nervous or cold? Why would he be nervous to be in a closet with me... unless, could he like me to? Nah, he must just be cold.

I start to rub his hands with mine to warm them up but he jerked them back. "Wh-at are you doing (Y/N)-ya?!?" Did he just stutter? "Did I do something wrong? I just wanted to warm your hands up since they were shaking. I'm sorry" I start tearing up but Law pulls me into his embrace before softy rubbing his hand on my back trying to calm me down.

"It's okay (Y/N)-ya, I'm not cold by the way. I'm just nervous being in here with you" Wait what? That couldn't be right, did he just say? "Your nervous to be in here with me? Why?" He's silent for a minute before speaking "Well I like you (Y/N)-ya... and I want to be more than friends with you"

No, this can't be happening he actually likes me back. How, when, what? But it would explain way he's always being so nice to me and hanging out with me. "When? When did you start liking me?" "Hm, the first day we meant, I couldn't get you out of my head after that day" Right, the day we first met, I had saved his life.


"Captain! I see an island" Hm interesting we shouldn't reach the island were heading to for another few days. "What are your orders, Captain?" I should check out this mystery island, there could be treasure.

"Head for land! There's treasure to be found!" The crew were all existed at the possibility of a treasure hunt, but it would appear we weren't the only ones on the island because as we made our way closer a yellow submarine could be spotted situated on the edge of the island. "CAPTAIN. That's Trafalgar Law's submarine, we should continue on to the next island"

"Who's Trafalgar Law?" The crew all had looks of panic on their faces before I'm handed a wanted poster with a picture of this 'Trafalgar Law' on it "Hm, Surgeon of Death? He's cute." My crew looked as if they would faint any second but it's my first mate who speaks up "He may look 'cute' Captain but be careful he'll steal your heart if you're not careful, as Captain you have the final say of what we do. So, what are your orders?"

"Onward to land" Maybe if I'm lucky I'll run into this man.

"You heard the Captain" Soon we're docked a safe distance away from the yellow submarine and me as well as my first mate and two other crewmembers are in a small row boat making our way to the island. "Row, row, row your boat slowly to the island, throw your first mate overboard and listen to her scream" The first mate doesn't react, she's much to use to my antics.

As the boat hits land one of the crewmembers jumps out to drag the boat enough onto the shore so I can step out without my boots getting wet. "Okay you guys stay here I'm going to check out the island" I wave to them before heading into the forest but the first mate says something before, I could leave "Be careful (Y/N) don't let him steal your heart" "You worry too much, learn to relax Willow" and with that I was gone.

I've been walking for a while but haven't even hear anyone else just those damn birds. "CAPTAIN" Ah a person, and it came from that direction, running towards the left where I heard the noise. I come into a clearing before I'm greeted to two other people... and a polar bear?

They haven't noticed me yet as there currently stands outside the entrance of a cave panicking about something. "What's wrong?" "Ahhhh. Sorry" They screamed as they turned around standing in a fighting stance "Wait I come in peace" I throw my hands up to show I meant them no harm, this made them relax. "It's the Captain he's trapped in that cave and it's filling up with water, we can't get to him"

"In there?" I point towards to cave and they nod. Before anyone knew it, I was diving through the deep water making my way towards the person who needed help. Breaking to the top of the water once I reached the end of the tunnel, there I notice a person face down in the rising water flipping him over, I noticed a bruise on his head, something must have hit him.

Without taking any more time I swim back to where I came from with the man in my grip, he wasn't breathing so I needed to hurry. Getting back, I'm quick to pull him out of the water to start chest compressions "Come on breath"

I continue to perform cpr, not even noticing more members of his crew have shown up and were panicking. "1-2-3-4" 'cough' I see him cough up some water and was starting to breathe again. I slowly back up as some of his crewmates start to look him over and take him away, probably back to his submarine. I'm standing there unsure of what to do as I'm hugged and thanked by his remaining crewmates.

~~~Time Skip~~~

"...and then he started breathing again. I'm was worried he was dead." I'm explaining what happened while on my little trip and they were in disbelief. "So, Captain you saved the life of Trafalgar Law?" "Pretty much"

"CAPTAIN! TRAFALGAR LAW IS HERE AND IS ASKING TO SEE THE GIRL WHO BROKE ONE OF HIS RIBS" "I'll be right back" Getting up I go with my crewmember out to the deck where Law is standing surrounded by his crew. "You're the girl who saved my life?"

"That would be me"

"You broke one of my ribs... but thank you" He looked up away with the slightest blush on his cheeks 'so cute' "No problem, Dr. Heart Stealer" I sent a wink his way before laughing to myself.

And the rest is history.

~~~End Flashback~~~

Coming back to reality I blush before leaning in, placing a soft kiss on the doctor's lips. "You know Law, you really did steal my heart on that day. You better not break it" Law smiles before he also kissed me "We're in an alliance now so that way you can move onto my sub but still have your crew" He's so charming and thoughtful "Sounds good to me"

Just then the door swings open "Times up~" with that Law picks me up carrying us back to our spot before turning to the rest of The Heart Pirates. "The Heart Pirates and The Xeno Pirates are now in an alliance. That is all" They we're all cheerful as Law sat down pulling me into his arms. I fall asleep in Law's arms as the next pair made their way into the closet.



**A/N - This one might have turned more into a flashback so hopefully it was still good for the Law fans.**

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