3 - Kidd x Law

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**A/n – We'll just pretend Law has a different number for the purpose of this story**


"I love you so much Law!" (Y/n) had been sitting with Law and getting extra close to him but the girl had a motive for her actions. She had gotten up to use the restroom a few minutes ago and, on the way, back seen Kidd waving his number around like the fool he was. Unfortunately for (Y/n) her number was the same as his.

Now (Y/n) was planning to switch her and Law's number to avoid being with the psychopath, she knew Law had it in his pocket. "Really (Y/n)-Ya you love me?" Law couldn't deny that he had a crush on the annoying girl but he was also smart enough to know (Y/n) had him trapped in the friendzone.

"Yeah you are my best friend!" Slipping her fingers into Law's pocket she quickly pulled out his number and threw hers at him. "Three your up!" (Y/n) ran over to hide behind Luffy as Law tried to grab her. "Luffy help me! Law wants to steal my number!"

"Law just doesn't want to be in the closet, I think you should help him Luffy" Kidd stood off to the side with his mouth slightly opened as he watched but he happened to be standing directly in front of the opened closet door. So, when Luffy threw Law at the closet, he caused Kidd to get knocked back into the closet before Nami shut and locked the door.

"Will that hold them?"

"Yeah we added some seastone so devil fruit users couldn't just leave before their turn was up. Oh, and you two better be locking lips in there!"


"It's not happening Eustass so don't get any ideas!" Law had crawled over Kidd's body before he took a seat in the far corner of the closet planning on not having anything to do with the man. "The orange haired bitch said it was a rule Law"

"I told you not to call me that anymore"

"We had our fun Law, come on you're the one who broke up with me!" It was not the first time the two men found themselves in a tight space together but Law promised himself there wouldn't be a next time. "Maybe you shouldn't have cheated on me then!"

"It was a mistake but you can't blame me, you pushed me away first" Law had gotten inches away from Kidd when he said that, their lips were so close it would only take one of them moving slightly forward for their lips to meet.

"Does that make it okay for you to shrew somebody else behind my back!?" Kidd made the first move he pressed their lips together but didn't move he was waiting to see what Law's reaction would be. When Law's lips started kissing back Kidd pulled the man into his lap to deepen the kiss.

He pulled away from the kiss but only for a second. "I've missed you Doctor~" Kidd brought their lips back together as he started biting Law's bottom lip, he wanted to get a taste of the man. 'Hm' Pinching Law's side always made the man's mouth open right away.

Kidd wasted no time sticking his tongue into Law's mouth as he explored every inch on the smaller man's mouth, he really did miss him. He pulled his tongue back into his own mouth as he pulled away licking his lips satisfied. Law was looking past Kidd and when the man looked to see what Law was staring at, he caught the sight of a large crowd of people that have gathered to watch the show.

"What the hell, no one else got a fucking audience! Get the hell out of my way!" Kidd was starting to push pass the crowd but then remembered his partner he left behind. "Come on Law I'm not done with you yet"

(Y/n) was watching Kidd trying to kidnap her best friend so decided she needed to speak up. "Kidd!"

"What bitch!?" Law smacked Kidd on the back of the head for insulting (Y/n). "That's my friend, I don't have many so leave her alone"

"What do you want (Y/n)?"

"You better have Law home before midnight!" The heart pirates behind (Y/n) called out their own comments and some even threw a few threats at the murderous pirate captain. "I'll have him back by midnight but he won't be walking for a few days. Let's go Law!"

"Penguin, what did Kidd mean by that?"

"It's best you don't know (Y/n)"



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