13 - Doflamingo

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You had been happily munching on some sweets Law gave you when you heard your number being called. "Lucky number thirteen your up" Standing up you turned around but almost choked when you still who your partner was. "(Y/n)-Ya! You need to chew your food before you swallow it"

Pointing behind the man was all you could do as you were still too much in shock to speak. Law looked to see Doflamingo making his way over to the two of you and took up a fighting stance as you hid behind him. "Back off Donquixote, you don't get to be anywhere near (Y/n)-Ya!"

As you watched Doflamingo you seen his smile drop slightly before he started moving his fingers making Law step away from you. Looking around you tried to come up with a plan. A, you could spend seven minutes with the man in the closet or B, you could run away and hope he wouldn't catch you. Though Doflamingo seemed to have other plans for you as he threw you over his shoulder before he started walking out of the house with you.

Looking back at the house you seen there was now strings surrounding the house almost like a cage. "What's that?" Doflamingo looked down at you before he figured out what you were looking at. "It's my birdcage, it will keep anyone from following us, my dear"

"So, your kidnapping me of all people?" Sure, you were good looking but that's not a good enough reason to kidnap someone. But the next thing he said just ticked you off. "For seven minutes at least but who knows I might keep you longer just to piss Law off"

"Is everything just a game to you!? Put me down!" You started moving around and punching at him but he continued walking. "Your so adorable when your angry (Y/n)~" That was it, no way were you going let this bird-man kidnap you today. Making a ball with your fist you punched him across the face or at least you tried to, he moved his head back at the last second.

"Bad (Y/n), stop it! Look we're here!" You had indeed reached his ship but it looked more like a prison to you right now. As he was walking up the stairs to get on the ship you grabbed onto the railing that was there. He pulled on you a few times but you held on tightly.

"Let go (Y/n) I don't want to use my strings on you"

"I don't want to go with you!" You felt a pinch on the back of your neck as his strings take control over your body. He leads you to his bedroom as he opened another door in the room before he started taking items out of it.

"What are you doing"

"Cleaning out this closet"

"Oh, so you're going to keep me in a closet prison during my stay?" He looked back at you with a creepy grin on his face. "No, we're going to spend seven minutes in here. You'll be sleeping with me during your stay not in some closet" You glared at him as you watched him remove another box before he made you move into the now cleared space.

"Wait here (Y/n) I have timer in here somewhere... found it" He set the timer for seven minutes as he closed the door of the closet, he practically jumped on you as he started to kiss your lips. You were fighting against him but he had pinched your sides so he could slip his tongue into your mouth.

He removed his lips from yours before he started sucking on your neck, he wasn't even out of breath while you on the other hand was struggling to slow your heavy breathing. "Doflamingo stop it!" He ignored you but you were soon saved by the timer going off. His hands had made their way up your shirt so you forcefully removed them before you left the closet.

"We should do that again sometime (Y/n) maybe without any clothes preferably. Fufufuf"


"Your no fun (Y/n)~. But anyhow why doesn't my little prisoner get some sleep?" You were to tired to fight him on that and fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow. Hopefully someone would rescue you soon.



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