Year 5-3 | Relationships

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I walked down into the common room and Harry was sitting there, in front of the fireplace just staring at it. No one else was in the common room, just Harry and I.

"You're looking rather lonely aren't you Harry" I walked towards him sitting down beside him. He shifted making room for me before looking at me with a slight smile. Even though it was a smile, it had sadness in it. "What's in your mind?" He thought for a moment looking away to the ground.

"I just- I just feel so angry all the time. All these encounters with Voldemort, what if it changed me as a person? What if I'm becoming bad?" He looked back up looking at me in the eyes. His breath was uneasy, shaky even like he was frustrated.

"Harry, you're not a bad person. Do I really need to explain to you all the times you had protected others, protected me?"

"You protect me half the times"

"But you also said you protected me, just I'll never know it. Remember? Back in our third year Harry. Then in our second year you saved me from death. It's okay that you feel angry all the time Harry, I do too. Things have changed, that doesn't mean you have changed as a person"

We looked into each other's eyes for a moment until a small smile appeared on Harry's face. A mirrored his expression smiling as his smile grew bigger. He was my comfort and I wanted to be his comfort.

"Well Harry Potter, like a boy once said, won't you come be lonely with me?" I got up from the couch putting out a hand in front of him. He laughed a little placing his hand in mine holding it and brought it up to his lips gently kissing it.

"Where to?"

"The first place you protected me, the forbidden forest" I smiled slowly pulling him towards the door of the common room.

We walked through the forbidden forest with our hands holding each other's. The forest during the day time was actually quite beautiful. All the dangerous magical creatures would disappear and the harmless ones will come out. We walked in silence, not an uncomfortable one. Just silence in enjoying the moment.

"5 years ago was it? When the centaur saved us from you know who" I said breaking the silence, "5 years since I've met you"

He nodded and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb, "The time you and Ron sacrificed for me still haunts me" He let out a small laugh.

"The right thing to do"

We both walked for a bit more when looked a beautiful black bone like horse passing by us drawing our attention to it. The same one that we had saw pulling our carriages. We stopped to watch the horse slowly walk away into the depths of the woods.

"Come on" I smiled at Harry following the horse pulling him with me. The horse made it's way to a group of the same kind of horses. In the middle of them was Luna Lovegood. She tendered the horses carefully and they didn't object to her affection.

"Hello Harry Potter and Evelyn Clermont" She said in a dreamy voice recognizing our presence. Harry walked closer to the horse examining it pulling me with him.

"Your feet, aren't they cold?" Harry asked with his eyes glued on the magical creature.

"A little"

"Nargles again?" I asked remembering our conversation in front of the Ravenclaw common room.

"Unfortunately all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared" She said nodding. Nargles, I doubt the Nargles were really behind it. Probably the girls who made fun of her being different hid her shoes.

"What are they?" Harry asked.

"They're called Thestrals" As Luna answered the Thestral she was rendering opened it's wing flapping it letting out a roar. Thestrals, that's what they looked like. Hagrid told me about them once, only those who have witnessed death can see it. That's why suddenly I can see it, I witnessed dad's.

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