Chapter 1 - He's Dead

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Your head is a dangerous place to be. I agree. But sometimes it's also the most beautiful place you can be at.

Because no matter how strong your demons are there will always be warriors inside you to fight those demons.

Moon's POV

It sucks to be me sometimes but that is something for ME to know that is not something the world or people around me needs to know.

Cute, how people think that all those sad and disturbing thoughts are just a phase teenagers go through but no one wants to talk about when that phase follows us to our adulthood.

With this thought, I opened the door of my house and stepped inside. The only thing I like about this house is the smell of cigarettes. Yeah, I know most people hate it but to me, it's like one of those smells I never want to get rid off. I walked into the living room to see cigarettes on the sofa. Empty and broken beer bottles but strangely the man who beat the shit out of every day is not here. Now please don't think that he is the only one who beats me. No, it is not the case it goes both ways. He beats me I beat him, umms yeah I am not up to his level but I am not too far behind as well. It was not always this way for the majority of the years it was two-sided. He beating the shit out me but then I grew up. I became strong and things changed.

I won't say I am not scared of him. He terrifies me. But I've learned to deal with it at least that's what I think.

The house was silent. Where in the hell is my 'Uncle' or 'Toby the useless fuck' as I like to call him.

I have been living with Toby the useless fuck for as long as I remember. He was not the best guardian honestly. Of the 20 years of my life, I don't remember the majority of it. I mean I have no memories of my childhood just that I've been living with him since I was 6. Everything is blank. But I do remember the abuse I don't remember when it all started but I remember Toby the useless fuck whipping me. I have a few old light pink scars on my back accompanied by some fresh blue and blacks on my back and stomach.

I was in these thoughts when I heard a knock on the door. Strange? Toby the useless fuck does not knock he just barge in.

I went to the door and opened it.

Third person's POV

As Moon opened the door there stood two policemen

"Hello, miss are you Toby Carter's family member?"

"He is my uncle, what happened is everything alright?" Moon replied

"Miss can we come inside?" one of the police officers asked

"No, tell me what happened?" Moon replied her anxiety building up but she maintained a blank face

"You might want to sit down," one of the police officers said.

"Can you please get to the point and tell me already what is going on" Moon replied irritated by all the suspense two officers were creating

"Your uncle is no more."

Hello lovelies

Idk how it will go. One thing ik is that it is gonna has a clichéd storyline. But come on lovelies sometimes we all love clichés.

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