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*Trigger warning, this chapter begins the next few that will mention sexual abuse and rape, some in detail.*

"Well, that was fun, huh?" He laughed nervously.

"It was. Your Sister, Niece, and Nephew are all great. So sweet. You're incredibly good with the kids." I smiled at him.

"Thanks. Thanks for letting them hang out for a bit."

"I enjoyed it. You're fortunate to have them." I finished off my soup and sandwich, sipping on my water. "I do have to ask; this is the second time someone has mentioned you smiling. Is that something you're comfortable talking about?" I asked, hoping to not offend him by prying.

"Hmm." He sat for a minute, making me nervous.

"It's really okay if you'd rather not; I'm sorry." I hurriedly said.

"No, it's fine. My best friend, Nick. He passed away a little over a year ago." Liam spoke soft, keeping his head down.

"Oh." I breathed out. Feeling so guilty for forcing him to talk about it. "I'm so sorry."

"Umm. We were together when Nick died. Car accident, he was driving and just took a curve too quickly, we went over a rail and down a hillside. I guess he died right away. I was pretty beat up, and it was a few days before I found out he had passed." He paused. "It was a rough time for sure."

I sat, staring at him, heartbreaking for him. I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. He looked up at me, the sadness still in his eyes, and gave me a half-smile.

"Please don't cry!" He was overly concerned for me while sharing his story.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I'm sorry for prying." I swiped the tears away. Before I even realized what I was doing, I got up and went over to him. I wrapped him in my arms into a hug; he stood, embracing me as well, and we stood, holding on to each other for several moments. He pulled back, holding my face in his hands, then leaned in and softly kissed each tear away, taking my breath. I smiled like an idiot up at him, just in awe of this awesome man in front of me but also trying to reel myself in and remind myself it's only been three days!

"You're so kind and caring and feel so deeply." He observed.

"Thank you, and yes, I believe I do. I feel like I absorb others' emotions sometimes." I laughed. "Are you okay now, though? I mean physically?" I brought the subject back around, concerned with his wellbeing.

"Oh yeah. I'm fine. A few scars, other than that, I'm good. It was hard for a month or so after, but I was fortunate. It's taken me some time to get back to a new normal, I guess, so I suppose that's why everyone seems obsessed with me smiling." He shrugged, staring down into my eyes.

"I'm glad you're doing better in all ways." I put my hand on his chest, feeling the heat rise in me, desperately wanting him to kiss me again. 'What is wrong with you?' I thought to myself. 'Calm yourself, girl!'

"Thanks, me too." He chuckled. Liam pushed a piece of hair out of my face, then as if he read my mind, he leaned down, pressing his lips into mine. His kiss was soft and gentle at first, then as it continued, we became more intense. Kissing harder and deeper, our tongues wrestling around. He held my face in his hands as my hands rose to run through his hair on the back of his head as we still stood by the dining table. Eventually, his hands slid down, rubbing my arms then down to my hips, pulling me in closer to him. I finally had to pull away to catch my breath. I opened my eyes to see him smiling so widely at me; my heart was jumping around in my chest.

"I should help you clean up." I breathed out nervously, not wanting things to go too far.

"You don't have to; I can get it."

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