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*Trigger: Rape Scene described ahead*  

(Rape Scene.  Stop reading here.)


"Have you guys told anyone?" I asked, shocked.

"Are you for real? He'd kill us before our workers got us out of here." Mindy laughed. "You better not tell anyone either."

I need to talk to Stacia, I thought. My one and only friend, we had met in grade school, and despite my unstable life, she has always been a constant. She kept begging me to let her talk to her parents about me moving in with them, but I didn't want her pity, and I didn't want to be a charity case.

"New girl!" A deep, male voice called from the hallway.

"Oh shit." Shawna cried.

"Who is that?" I asked.


These girls were really starting to freak me out. I was beginning to tremble, then I told myself to get it together; I could take him.

"I have a name," I spoke defiantly as I exited the bedroom.

"Yeah? Well, it's going to be new girl or my bitch while you're here." He laughed.

Where the hell were the foster parents? I looked around, down the staircase. Haden sensing what I was doing, answered for me.

"They've gone out, and I'm in charge." He smiled like the Cheshire cat.

"My name is Avery." I blurted.

"My Bitch." He grabbed my wrist hard. I could feel the bruise already forming.

"What is wrong with you?!" I cried out, smacking him with my free hand before he grabbed that wrist too.

"I'm horny, and I need to fuck." He cackled, dragging me down the stairs. I could feel my legs getting carpet burn from my resistance, but he never seemed to care or even be bothered by my fight.

"You seriously have problems," I growled, twisting, and turning, making my wrists burn as he gripped tighter.

"You're about to solve my problems." He seethed, letting me loose from his grip only to throw me down the second flight of stairs to the basement. My head hit the steps hard; nothing seemed broken or bleeding. I tried to stand, but I was so dizzy.

"I told you, I get what I want when I want." He shoved me into the only room down there, what appeared to be his bedroom. I started to fight him again, but because of my unsteady balance, I kept missing him. He eventually grabbed me by the waist, throwing me on his bed.

"You're not getting me." I spat in his face. He seemed surprised at someone actually fighting back, but he was pissed too and quickly slapped my face with the back of his hand.

"I will get you, stop fighting, or I might just kill you." I froze at his words. It honestly hadn't crossed my mind that he could or would kill me. I mean, he's just a kid too. But if he's capable of all of this, I suppose it's possible. I was quickly brought out of my thoughts when I felt him tugging at my pants. I decided maybe if I begged, he would change his mind.

"Please, I just got here. Can't I at least get one day? Please, don't."

"I love it when they beg." He unbuckled his pants, sliding them down. Wearing no underwear, I could see all of him, and I wanted to throw up. I started to pull my leg up, planning to get him in the goods, but he caught my leg before I could. It was apparent he's done this many times and was prepared for all scenarios. He gripped my thigh so tight, it was burning, causing tears to pool in my eyes. I tried to wiggle out from underneath him, but he was just too damn strong. So, I gave up. I gave in. I just laid there, feeling like a pathetic loser. Like the loser my Mother always said I was, like the kids at school said I was. I let him take the only thing precious left about me that I could offer to someone, someday, in my fairytale future that I used to dream so often about. When he finished, he smeared himself all over my body. He said he was marking his territory. I just cried silently. He threatened my life if I told and went over all the same stuff the girls had explained before, then he demanded I go clean myself up. I could barely walk, my thighs burned, between my legs was aching, there was some blood on my legs too. I felt sick, and before I could move another step, I threw up. Haden was pissed, disgusted, and kicked me from behind, making me fall into my own vomit.

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