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I woke up in bed alone; I guess Stacia wanted to enjoy her own space. I didn't mind. We used to snuggle up together when I first moved in with her as a teenager. I was so scared and traumatized by all the foster home memories; I was scared to be alone, and being the great friend she is, she took me in and kept me close, one of the many things I loved about her.

I ran my brush through my hair after brushing my teeth and washing my face. I crawled up in the bed again and pulled my phone out. I had a missed call from Cullen, making my heart speed up. I returned his call quickly, he answered. He was sitting shirtless in his bed with sleepy eyes and looking sexy as ever.

"Hey, you." He smiled. "I don't have too long; I have to get going, but I wanted to see you for a least a minute."

"Hi. I'm glad; I'll take any minute I can get with you." I giggled.

"What are your plans for the day?" He shuffled around.

"I might have lunch with the group and get ready for my classes and back to work. I'm sure I'll spend most of my time daydreaming about being back at the beach with you."

"Sounds nice, sorry you have to daydream... I'm counting the days until we can be back together in person. I'll be daydreaming too."

My heart hurt at the same time as it swelled in happiness. I hoped we could navigate this whole thing; it was only about 60 days, but that would be 60 long days.

I rode with Stacia to the restaurant for lunch; we met Tarran, Millie, Faye, Hailey, Liam, and Derrick, of course. Stacia rambled on about her new job; she worked as an assistant with Derrick's Mom's real estate firm. I was excited for her and tried to keep up. When she was excited about something, she could ramble on quickly. I listened, mostly, when I wasn't thinking about Cullen. Once we arrived at the restaurant, we quickly entered and found the table with the others waiting for us.

"About time!" Derrick groaned, grabbing Stacia and pulling her in for a kiss. I rolled my eyes as I sat down next to Liam.

"Don't be jealous just cause your loverboy isn't here." Stacia teased, noticing my eye roll. I just shook my head at her.

"This is going to drive me crazy, and I do not want any awkwardness. Cullen and I, we're dating. Well, long-distance dating? Whatever it is, it's exclusive, I think, Ugh." I stumbled over my words. So much for getting rid of any awkwardness. "My point is Liam knows. We're friends, and we intend to remain friends, so there." I sighed. Stacia and Derrick were giggling at my word vomit. Liam was smirking, and the girls just sat with goofy grins. "Now, let's order lunch, please." I grabbed the menu.

The group went right into a different conversation, talking about work and school. It was nice, and I felt comfortable again. We all ordered our meals and ate while talking and laughing and making plans for the week ahead. Stacia and Derrick left first, leaving me with the car. Tarran and Millie left next, heading to work. Liam and I sat together, sipping our sodas before we parted ways for the day.

The next several weeks flew by; I was busy working and going to school, leaving little to no free time. When I did have free time, I spent it studying or talking with Cullen. The distance was killing me; I finally found someone I wanted to be with and had given my all to, and we had to be apart. We would video chat every day and speak on the phone when he had a free moment while also texting. Cullen had also sent me random flowers and cards. He was incredibly thoughtful, and I could not wait to have him here. It was finally the day before Cullen would be arriving to stay permanently! I was finishing up my shift at the coffee shop and had already requested and been approved for the next two days off so that I could spend them with Cullen. Since she was working, Stacia had the car, and I could easily walk to the coffee shop. Unfortunately, it had started raining the last hour or so, and I was dreading the walk home. The heat of July and rain made for a muggy mix, making for a miserable walk home.

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