Chapter Twenty Seven

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I was scared about what David was about to tell me. Hearing it from the news was one thing but getting it directly from the horses mouth was a totally different thing. I wanted to believe that everything I had heard was wrong but I the guilty face on David said otherwise.

"You're not going anywhere are you, when you hear what I have to say?" David asked looking vulnerable.

I resisted the urge to pull him in for a hug because I knew that I'd break down and I needed to be strong. We needed to get past this and the only way was to talk about it first.

"No I'm here. I meant what I said. I don't care about your past but after what just happened I need to know it for my own peace of mind." I replied.

"Okay." He breathed and I gave him a few minutes to compose himself.

I grabbed one of his hands in between mine to reassure him that I was there and I wasn't going anywhere.

"First of all I want to say that I'm sorry for lying to you. It's true what they said. I haven't gotten a job in the field I studied in because of my record. Whenever people see it no matter how long ago it was they still judge me for it." He paused for a minute to make sure I wasn't mad at him for lying about that and I wasn't.

It was only logical for me to be after I realized that but I didn't have it in me to be mad at him. He had still gotten a job to take care of his family and I admired that. He was starting with that before he got to the bad stuff and I just wanted him to know that I was ready for anything he had to tell me.I nodded for him to continue.

"Okay so my dad died when I was in high school. Elena was still a toddler and my brothers were really young. My mom didn't have time to cater for all our needs. We were struggling financially and I tried my best to help out but what could a sixteen year old do. I was only in form three so there were no jobs that were willing to pay well enough that I actually felt like I was contributing. So I did the only thing I could, I joined a gang." He paused and I took a minute to absorb that new piece of information.

"But you were only a child. How could they allow you to join?" I asked shocked.

"These people don't care about age. I wasn't even the youngest person there." He explained and my heart went out to sixteen year old David. He must have been so scared.

"Go on." I urged preparing myself for the worst.

"They didn't make me do much at first. Drug runs, pick pocketing and debt collection. The money was good so I let doing it. When I turned seventeen instead of a birthday party I got a full initiation into the group. I was still a virgin then but it changed that night. They put me in a room with a woman much older than me and didn't let me out until morning." He said with a look of pain on his face and I gasped.

"She raped you?" I asked with a shock of look on my face as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"No she was actually never nice about it. I had been curious about sex before so when she saw me scared she talked me down. We both knew that it had to happen so she showed me a few porn videos to get me in the mood and we did it."He explained.

"How is that not rape?"I whisper yelled the tears finally making their way onto my face.

"Tiny don't cry for me please. I don't deserve your tears. I don't want to calm it rape because it'll just make me feel dirty about myself. Worse than I already do anyway." He replied.

I didn't know how much worse it could get. I knew people who grew up in the ghetto had it rough but I didn't know it was that bad. Looking at David now you would never have guessed that he went through such an ordeal. He was happy and cheerful and loved his family. How could such a great man have such a haunted childhood.

My Sexy Mountain ✔️ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt