Chapter 16 - Sleepovers

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The next morning I'm awakened by a hand on my arm. It startles me as I jerk myself awake. I look up to find Scarlett standing next to me. She jumps back. "Mommy, did you have a sleepover with Daddy?"

I turn to find John Luke looking up at her with a surprised look on his face. I divert my attention back towards her, "Yes, but let's keep it a secret, okay?"

She lowers her head. "Uh, oh..."

I sit up. "What is it, Scarlett?

"Your phone was ringing, so I picked it up." She says quietly.

"Who was it, baby?" I ask.

"It was Aunt Brie looking for John Luke."

"Oh my gosh, what did you tell her?" John Luke asks.

"I'm sorry, Daddy." She responds with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"No, baby, you aren't in trouble. We just want to know what you told her." He says reassuringly.

"I told her that you are having a sleepover with Momma." She replies innocently.

He and I both start howling with laughter. "Well, if that doesn't get the wheels turning, I don't know what will!!" I tell him.

"Right!" he says with a chuckle.

"I'm not in trouble?" Scarlett asks.

"No, baby, you aren't in trouble. You did nothing wrong." I assure her.

She smiles and jumps on me. "Listen, why don't you go pick out a pretty dress to wear today, and Momma will get in the shower, and we can go over to Uncle Sef and Aunt Brie's house and see them for a bit? Would you like to see Harper and Rhett too?"

"Yay! I am so excited!" she squeals as she leaps off me and runs to her room.

"I'm going to get dressed and use the bathroom and meet you over there. Where's your cell phone Georgia? I'm going to give you my new phone number." He says.

I reach over and grab it, and I type in his new number as he reads it off to me. "I'm sending you a text, so you have mine, too," I tell him.

"Alright, baby girl. See you there." He says as he leans down, kisses my forehead, and rolls off the bed.

I watch in awe as he walks away how sexy and perfect his body is. He gathers his clothes from the floor and quickly gets dressed. Watching him intently, I cross my legs to calm the storm arising between them. He notices that I'm checking him out and flashes a sexy, seductive smile. "Don't look at me like that unless you want me to jump you again." He warns.

My cheeks flush, so I yank the covers over my eyes. I can hear him snicker as he struts to the bathroom. Feeling content, I smile ear to ear. I can't imagine it gets any better than this.

Moments later, he stalks towards the bed, reaching out his hand to mine, "Call me when you leave. We will do this together today. Everyone will know, and they will have to learn to live with it or fuck off. It's going to be okay."

I place my hand in his, "Okay, I'll call you."

"Bye, sweetheart."

"Bye, John Luke."

After he closes the door behind him, I roll over and climb out of bed to get myself primped and ready for the day. I slip on a navy blue low cut maxi dress with a brown belt and brown wedges. Afterward, I pick out a cute little yellow sundress and white sandals for Scarlett to wear. Once we are ready, I call John Luke as we pull out of the parking lot to let him know we are on our way.

After a few minutes, Scarlett and I pull up at Brie and Seth's house. We walk up the steps to the front porch and knock. Harper comes to the door. "Hey, Georgia, what's up, hot momma?"

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