Chapter 27 - The Note

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John Luke's POV

The next morning, I grab some breakfast in the lobby's dining area and check out early. I need to get home to figure out what the hell is going on. This isn't like her to do this to me. Something is up; Georgia has always been a talker. She had never shut me out like this, even when I was out doing stupid shit in high school and driving her crazy, she always wanted to talk things through.

I leave her two additional messages on her voicemail during the drive home. Both times, she sent me right to her voicemail, she doesn't even pick up to answer. I know she's pissed about something, and it's driving me insane, but I don't have a fucking clue why. I find myself speeding on the drive home.

Six hours later, I get into town. I know she's at work right now, but I can't storm in on her and cause a scene, so I'll wait until she gets off this evening. She doesn't know my truck, so I'm going to park across the street and wait for her to leave for the day, then I'll follow her home. That way, I'll know if she is going straight home or not. Hopefully, she will talk to me. I can't let her shut me down like this without talking things through first.

As I drive through town, I wonder who has Scarlett today. I dial up Mom's number to see if she knows.

She answers, "Hello?"

"Hey, Mom, what are you up to?"

"Oh nothin, I'm just working at the bakery with Aunt Maggie. Did you get back into town, okay?" she asks.

"Yep, hey listen, I was wondering...who kept Scarlett today?"

"Oh, Mariah has her, I think."

"Okay, I was wondering maybe she wouldn't mind if I came and got her."

"No, not at all. Give her a call, sweetie."

"Okay, Mom, love you."

"Love you." She responds.

As soon as I disconnect the call, I dial Mimi's number.

She answers. "Hello?"

"Hey, Mimi. How's it goin?"

I wait to see if she sounds differently. "Oh, I am running around after your little mini-me currently. She is a ball full of energy today." She says jokingly.

I start to chuckle. "Well, I made it back into town. Do you mind if I pick Scarlett up? I'll text Georgia and let her know. I miss my baby girl."

"Oh no. Not at all."

"Okay, see you soon, Mimi."

"Okay, sweetheart."

I disconnect the call, obviously, she doesn't know anything about what Georgia and I discussed last night. I quickly run to the store to get a car seat for my truck, and then I drive to Mimi's house to pick up my girl. When I pull up, she runs out to greet me. "Hi, Daddy! I missed you!"

"I missed you too, baby!" I say to her as I swoop her up off the ground.

She puts a tight grip around my neck, and I embrace her. I carry her inside and greet Mimi. She's standing at the door to greet us. "She has missed her Daddy."

"Awww... I missed her too!" I say to Mimi as I kiss Scarlett on the cheek.

"Here's her bag, buddy. Let me know if you guys need anything. I work Thursday and Friday this week." She says as she puts the bag over my shoulder.

"Okay, Mimi, thanks for your help."

"Bye, Mimi," Scarlett says.

Mimi reaches up, squeezes her cheeks, and kisses her. "Bye, my precious baby girl." Then she squeezes my cheeks. "Bye, handsome boy," She says, smiling.

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now