Stay Away

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"Is it? OMG!! the baby is so tiny!" Squealing as he stared at the monitor making jimin laugh at his best friends excitement before the doctor cleaned the gel and left the room "let me help you" Hoseok right away helping jimin up and helping him to get his stuff "i'm glad jungkook got stuck in that conference" his words making the youngers laugh erupt as they made their way out of the building "to be honest so am I, I had wished for you to come with me" linking their arms "i almost forgot" jimins brows raising as they approached the car "namjoon said he wanted to go shopping with you one of these days" cooing at the thought of spending time with his best friends boyfriend "I would like that too, I will text him later"

"Okay hop in" opening and closing the door for jimin before he got on the drivers seat and started to drive to where jimin was now living "and how have you felt these past months?" Keeping his eyes on the road, jimin amazed as he was now at the beginning of his third month "time do goes by quick" Sighing his hand on top of his slightly bigger belly "I've felt good actually, jungkook has been of a lot help even though he tends to be overprotective" laughing at various events that have happened "good to hear"

"You are kidding" jungkook nodded as his co-worker stared at him full of surprise "damn your life is like a movie" leaning back on his seat as he had just told his story with the blonde man to his closest friend and co-worker "now tell me yours"

"Are you serious? my relationship is like you standing beside a vending machine" Frowning at her weird way of putting the situation "the vending machine is more attractive" rolling his eyes at her folding his arms waiting for her to tell her story with the man she was going out with at the moment "welp mine is simple, we met at a party and just hit it off after that we kept on hanging out and now we are going on dates" shrugging leaning on her own seat "your life is so easy" laughing at him shaking her head and looking back at her computer "so that's why you where impatient at the meeting?" Nodding at her question "his friend took him to the ultrasound since damn choi wouldn't stop talking" annoyed at the person that was in charge of the meeting he had gotten out not long ago.

"Poor you" Teasingly shaking her head "but who cares? there are six more months to go" nodding in agreement "at least Hoseok got to see the baby" both of his hands on the back of his head "are you going to have lunch with us o-" the glass door opening the same man from last time entering the office "I guess you are not" pursing her lips leaving the room along the rest of the workers leaving behind a now grumpy jungkook as he stood up gathering his stuff "your work time hasn't finished yet" Ji-Hoon spoke walking closer to the man who finished placing on his jacket "no it already did, now if you excuse me I'm going home" the shorters hand on his arm stopping him "we need to talk" moving his arm from the youngers grip "no you want to talk, i have nothing to say to you"

Once again trying to leave before he abruptly stopped on his tracks "jimin, who is he to you?" Jaw clenching as he turned around to face the man "why do you care?" A death glare towards the shorter "why wouldn't i? He is the reason you deny your love to me" Loudly scoffing "you have no idea what love is" a mocking smile on the taller "and the idea you have of what that night meant is more than wrong because it meant nothing to me"

"But it did to me" not caring the youngers eyes where brimming with tears "is it because of jimin?" His eyes locking with jungkooks the tallers fist tightly clenched knuckles turning white "don't you dare get close to him, I don't care you are his client right now because I know you well" taking a deep breath "stay away from him" not sparing him a second glance and leaving the place.


Softly closing the front door and taking of his shoes making his way to the living room finding a laying form as a movie played on the screen a wide awake jimin looking up at him "hi" a soft smile from the blonde as he sat up letting the older to lay down placing his head on his lap passing his fingers over his black locks "tired?" A small nod from the now eyed closed man "you should go to bed already" nodding once again but just moving to lay on his side facing jimins growing belly "hey little one" jimins heart skipping a beat at the sight, jungkook placing his hand against his belly "can you hear me in there?" A small smile tugging at his lips as he looked up at an emotional jimin and then back at his belly "it's dad"

Finally breaking into tears "stop that" laughing as he pulled into a hug the blonde male "why are you crying?" Getting a hit on the chest as jimin buried his face on the crook of jungkooks neck the older by now sitting up "why else?" Sobbing while Jungkook rubbed his back "sorry sorry" pulling away cleaning the tears from his cheeks "I will take a shower, think you can handle yourself?" punching jungkooks arm making him laugh "I will take that as a yes" leaving with a smile from ear to ear jimin wiping his tears.

After jungkook had returned from his shower they sat together on the living room watching the rest of jimins movie "I will be back, do you want anything?" Shaking his head and letting jungkook leave the room and walk into the kitchen "can you bring the baby a bag of chips?" Chuckling to himself at the way he would excuse his cravings while Jungkook returned with his own snack handing jimin the bag of chips "thanks"

Placing the bag of gummy bears on the coffee table before laying down jimin allowing him to place his head on his lap as they kept on watching the movie "what are you doing tomorrow after work?" Confused looking up at the blonde man whose eyes remained glued to the tv "nothing that i know, why?"

"Namjoon wanted to go shopping with me and hobi is joining us; i don't know if you want to tag along" giving it a thought "yeah I don't mind, we could get lunch together" jimins smile widening "yeah!" Looking down at the man resting his head on his lap and giving him a big nod.

⤥⊰⚬𝖡𝖺𝖻𝗒 𝖮𝗇 𝖡𝗈𝖺𝗋𝖽⚬⊱⤦                             JiKook AUWhere stories live. Discover now