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"Charlie! Charlie! The boys are coming home. They're coming home Charlie" Finn chants bursting into his older sisters bedroom, at about 6 o clock in the after noon, bouncing straight onto her bed. "Dont fuck with me Finn, I'm trying to sleep" Charlotte says turning over. "I'm not joking Charlie, Arthur sent us mail. It's over, they're coming back." Finn exclaims turning her back over.

Her eyes widening she jumps out of bed and heads downstairs, closely followed by her younger brother, the only brother left behind. "Is it true?" She asks her aunt polly upon entering the kitchen. "That's not a very ladylike way of getting about is it." Polly tuts putting the kettle on. "Polls, is it true? Are they coming back?" Charlotte questions walking next to her aunt, Finns hand in hers. "Yes. 2 days Arthur says. Maximum." Polly smiles slightly seeing her youngest nieces face light up, as she picks Finn up spinning him around.

"Now, there's some things you'll need to understand" Polly starts, dampening the mood. "They won't be returning as they left" Ada interrupts walking into the kitchen after being awoken by her sisters racket.

"What does that mean Addy?" Finn asks. "It means, that although they make look the same, they won't be the same. War changes people." Polly tells him. "So they ain't gonna play no more" Finn says. "Maybe, we will find out when they get here. Charlie, go tell Harry the news, he's working a long shift, I'm not sure he'll get his telegram." Polly instructs and Charlotte nods, quickly heading upstairs to get changed into something more appropriate to leave the house in. Stepping out her room she sees that Finn has the same idea as he's now wearing a three piece suit, exactly like his older brothers just without the flat cap. Bending down she puts a switch blade in her shoe, then puts her gun holster on and slipping her revolver into the pocket. "You ready?" She asks and they both put their impassive faces on, heading out the door, trying to keep the smirks off their faces as they see people scurrying out of the way, as they head towards the Garrison.

Each using an arm to push a door open, the pub goes silent upon the Shelby siblings arrival.

"Rum and a dark mild" Charlotte orders sliding 3 shillings across the bar. "On the house Miss Shelby" Harry says pouring the drinks. "Think of it as a tip, for all your hard work. Besides it's about to get a lot more busy... what with people coming home." She smirks as he pauses. "It's over? ITS OVER! Wars over!" He announces to the pub and it erupts in cheers, people now crowding the opposite end of the bar, to get more drinks and to stay away from the Shelbys.

"Don't tell aunt poll" Charlotte says to Finn handing him the ale, "secrets safe with me, just like the fact you been sneaking Diego into your room most nights." Finn smirks as the siblings head into the reserved area. "It's not like that you bastard. He comforts me." Charlie says flicking his head. "And that stays between us, like you and sneaking out your window to have a ciggy." Charlotte adds, lighting her own smoke up. "But everyone else does" Finn complains. "Learn from our mistakes. It ent healthy" she says blowing out smoke.

"D'ya reckon the boys have changed that much?" Finn asks. "I reckon they'll be more surprised at the change in us, no longer their innocent little siblings is we? Smoking, drinking, fighting. It's gonna be different Finny." Charlotte smirks. "How different?" He asks sipping his ale, "depends on what they've seen finny boy." Charlie replies, pausing when there's a knock at the door, reaching for her revolver she holds it by her side walking to the door. "Come in" she says, her finger on the safety, ready in case it was an attack. But it turned out to be her bestfriend Diego, stood with a boyish grin on his face, a fag in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other. "Really should be careful where you're aiming that thing" he jokes as she lets him further in, taking a seat next to Finn. "Heard the news?" He asks and the siblings nod. "Excited to see Harrison?" Charlotte asks. "I'm not sure. We left on the wrong foot, and I don't know what he's going to be like. No one knows what any of em will be like. Could be fucking bat shit mental." Diego says, taking a drag of his cigarette.

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