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A week later Charlie was walking down what's known as the 'Italian Street', it's a small community of Italians, but they sold her favourite brand of cigars at the end of the road, so she continued down, head held high, when a figure rushing about catches her eye, she recognises the man as Danny Whizz Bang, he was mumbling something getting closer she can hear him repeating 'got to go bang, got to go bang' without looking where he's going he collided into a table of an Italian bakery. As she's a few meters away she approaches, but before she could reach him the shop owner comes out. "Go home crazy man, we are closed" he exclaims.

But Danny keeps searching frantically, Charlie sees the owner going for a knife, "put it away" she says, but it's too later Danny had seen it, "fix bayonets" he says charging at the man, getting the knife.

"Danny. Look at me. You're home. In England. It's Charlie. Tommy's younger sister. Tommy Shelby." Charlie says stepping between Danny and the waiter. Danny tries bringing the knife down onto her and she managed to dodge it mostly, only getting a cut down her left arm, she holds onto his knife arm, holding it back as Danny continued to go for the waiter. Eventually he overpowered her and plunged the knife into the waiters stomach, when he saw the blood, he got snapped back to reality, looking around he spots Charlie on the floor. "Go, Danny, get outta here. To the stables" she says standing and waving him away.

"You're going to be alright" Charlie says removing her jacket and holding against the waiters wound. "Don't shoot. I know you. You're a blinder." The waiter says in fear seeing her gun. "I don't shoot unless you give me a reason to, now sit." She commands pulling him over to a seat. "This is gonna hurt" she says pulling the knife out pressuring the wound with her jacket, "you're bleeding" the Italian points to her arm that was slightly sliced.
"Don't worry about me, let's get you sorted, hand me that" she says pointing to some tape, and a bottle of vodka.

Pouring the vodka on the wound the Italian guy digs his fingers into the hand she was letting him hold, removing the jacket she got the tape pulling the pieces of skin together and taping it up. "That should do for now, should get it looked at" she says standing with a sign. "I owe you, what can I do?" The guy says handing her jacket back, "anytime I need a favour, ill tell ya" Charlie replies putting her jacket on and continuing to the cigar shop.

"No questions, 6 of the blues" she says walking into the shop placing 5 shillings down. "Right away" the shopkeeper says retrieving the packs and placing them infront of her, she takes 3 in each hand, putting all in her pockets, leaving a pack out, she gets one out of the pack, lighting it and taking the back way back to the house.

"It won! It bloody won" Arthur exclaims storming over to Tommy, who sat calmly back in his chair taking a drag from his smoke. "Monaghan boy fucking won!" Arthur repeats and Tommy looks up at him through his dark lashes. "Yeah. And word will spread, so next time we do the powder trick, it won't be just the Garrison betting on him, it'll be all of Small Heath, and the 3rd time it'll be all of Birmingham. In thousands. And then, then it will lose.... I told you, I do the thinking Arthur." Tommy replies leaning forwards daring his older brother to challenge him. Instead he storms off, barging past Charlie who had just walked in. "Why are you covered in blood?" Tommy asks standing. "It's not mine, or at least most of isn't." Charlie replies throwing her jacket to the side. "Show me" Tommy commands, and she sighs walking over to where he was stood holding her arm out. His eyes scan it, before he says anything Finn is already there a cloth drenched in rum, handing it to Tommy, who nods at him, cleaning his sisters arm. "What happened?" Tommy demands. "Danny Whizzbang, he was on Italian street, having an episode, tried killing the waiter. I told him to go the stables." Charlie tells him. "The waiter?" Tommy questions. "He won't talk, cleaned him up, he said he owes us a favour." Charlie replies, and he nods "good, that's good. Did the right thing."

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