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"Miss Shelby, your brothers are here as well as someone who describes himself as the 'wandering jew'" Mary tells her, "you go and get Tommy, i will greet his guests" Charlotte replies, standing and heading to the driveway, "hello boys, Alfie" Charlie says, as Arthur scowls in Alfies direction who was looking around, "hello pet, good to see you again, if i knew you'd be here, would've bought some of the rum you liked" Alfie smiles embracing the youngest Shelby sister, "you 3, i'll meet you in the kitchen, there's some whiskey and tea, Alfie, we are going to Tommys office" Charlotte says, "we aint leaving you alone with him Charlie" John tells her, "yes you are, it'll take 5 minutes, now off you boys go" Charlie replies as she walks off with Alfie, "nice little place he's got here innit pet" Alfie says as they walk through the doors, "you got a house?" he asks her, "yep," Charlotte says, "any major changes since I've seen you last, pet? When was that, ah yes. You were running from your brothers and boyfriend, still got that boyfriend?" Alfie questions, "husband, as of about 6 months ago" Charlotte says showing him the ring, "now thats what i call a fucking rock innit," Alfie analyses lifting her hand in his as they stop outside Tommys study, "right, you wait in there, he'll be here in a minute or 2" Charlie tells him, "you not part of this meeting pet? How sad" Alfie teases, as she holds the door open for him.


"Miss Shelby, Mr Shelby says you are meant to be in his study, when he rang the bell." Mary tells Charlie who was playing with Charles, "would've been more useful if he'd told me that, thanks, i'll go now" Charlie replies, walking through the corridors of her brothers house until she reached his office knocking before entering.

"That scares me more. Yeah. Congratulations, Tommy. You now have the finished article right here, don't you? See, that man, right, he will murder and maim for you with God on his side. Yeah. You don't wanna let him go" Alfie speaks looking into Arthurs eyes, "if we're doing business with this fucker, i demand to know why." Arthur says his eyes focused on Tommy, who sighs walking round to the other side of his desk. "Right.. when i was in hospital, i formulated a plan, and this is how its gonna work. So, the russians cannot be trusted to pay us. We are going to take what is ours. We need to see whats in their treasury. And thats why we need Mr Solomons" Tommy explains looking around the 6 people stood and sat round his study.


"We are going down to Charlies Yard, Tommy says we got some people to meet" Charlotte tells Isaiah stealing the cigarette he was smoking, straddling his waist as she took a puff, "you look so fucking hot when you do that" Isaiah replies, leaning up to inhale from the cigarette she was pointing in his direction, resting his head against the headboard, one hand resting on his chest, the other gently stroking her thigh, his eyes raking her body as she leans forwards so her chest was right next to his face, stubbing the cigarette out into an empty glass. "Youre a cheeky one Mrs Jesus" Isaiah whispers both his hands now resting on her hips, "what you gonna do about it?" she replies her lips brushing past his ear, "oh sugar, you don't wanna find out" Isaiah smirks, spinning them round so he was now hovering above her, groaning as her hand moves down his chest, stopping at his pant line, smiling as she shoved him off of her, kissing his cheek and standing up, "we have 30 minutes, chop chop" she teases getting dressed, as Isaiah pushes himself up into a raised position, biting his lip as he watched her strip down, "i can feel your eyes on me" she says without looking at him, "you're my wife, its my right of passage, especially when you're as gorgeous as you are" Isaiah replies rolling out of bed coming to stand behind her peppering kisses from her shoulder moving her hair out the way, up her neck, turning her head slightly so he can connect their lips, "i'll get dressed now" he says making her laugh.


"Here they are" John says seeing the couple approaching, "here we are" Charlotte teases, "why are we here?" she asks Tommy, "the reason will be apparent in about 45 seconds" he replies checking his pocket watch as a car can be heard, showing itself a few seconds later before a group of men jump out.

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