Abaddon's Plan

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Three weeks. It had been three weeks since Crowley's vow. Dean was now working with Crowley on bringing down Abaddon, even though his main priority was Gadreel. Sam was who knows where. Though Sam and Castiel were at the bunker, they hardly ever had the time to go see Millie. Mary was with Castiel, everywhere Castiel went. Millie, well, everyone left Millie at the bunker. She laid on her bed, unmoving as life went on around her. So, when Abaddon came and snatched Millie from the bunker, Millie's room wasn't warded because of Crowley, no one really noticed. Everyone had a full plate. Until Crowley came to wash and care for her.

"Millie? Are you awake, darling?" Crowley said as he looked around an empty room.

Not finding the girl anywhere in the room he called for Castiel. When Castiel appears he doesn't have Mary with him.

"Where's Millie?" "Where's Mary?" The boys asked each other in unison.

"Gone." They both replied at the same time.

Their faces morphed into worry as they realized the same person probably had them both.

"How could she be gone!? Either of them! You are here bloody every day with Moose! How the hell could you not notice they were gone?!"

"I kept watch over Mary. I set her down for her nap, popped my head in here to check on Millie, then I went back to helping Sam."

It wasn't a complete lie. He was also eating every food he enjoyed during his time as a human. Getting upset that he could no longer enjoy the simplicity of some of the foods. Now when he ate he tasted every molecule. He tasted every preservative. It was a nightmare to his senses. Then he would busy healing Sam the best he could on stolen Grace. Now, Castiel is leading a faction of angels, Dean has the Mark of Cain and Sam is still pissed at Dean, even if he doesn't want to admit it. The group is a mess, but they're trying to work together. Castiel and Crowley are trying to push past the fact the two most important girls in their lives are missing. Dean is on a power tip mission with Crowley to find Abaddon while Dean is addicted to the power he feels from the blade.

Now Castiel and Crowley were in a secret meeting trying to figure out who in the vast universe stole Millie and Mary. There was no note or and trace of who could've taken them. They conspired and tried to but all their enemies in an extensive list. The two at the top on both ends were Metatron and Abaddon. They knew now that one of them had the girls, and they were going to do anything to stop them. They just needed the right time and place to do so.

Now Abaddon had figured out Crowley's new hideout. She had also planted some of her very best in Crowley's circle. She still believes, for all intents and purposes, Crowley is weak. On some level, he is. The dying connection between him and Millie is weakening him, but not as weak as when he was addicted to blood on top of the dying connection. Abaddon also underestimates who all is on Crowley's side. She also doesn't know that the second half of her plan will backfire in her face.

"Alright, little brat. I got to go and do something, you stay here with your bitch of a mother." Abaddon hissed at the toddler she had in a cell.

"That's a word only uncle Dean can say."

"Your uncle Dean lied to you."

Mary whimpered at the harshness in the ginger's tone. Mary knew who she was and she also knew that once she was gone she could contact her daddy and dada. Along with every angel and demon that would listen. Abaddon thinks Mary is Crowley's creation, Crowley's child. She doesn't know that the reason Millie hasn't woken up in the days she's had her is because she's slowly dying due to an unanswered need to bond completely. To Crowley.

Abaddon left the room with a smug look on her face. She went to another room and performed her desired spell. A spell she had experienced Henry Winchester do decades before. A spell that would take her to the one thing, she thought, Crowley loved most. 

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