Dean's a Demon

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A/N: Sorry for the last chapter being so long. This one will be a bit shorter and mostly original content. Just to give me and you all a break between episode based chapters. This does take place during season 10. The ending of this chapter will be in the episode where Cas and Sam cure Dean. But with a without all the actual happenings. Hope you enjoy!! 

*Millie's POV*

I sat at one of the tables in the library. Today was a slow day with no one here. Sam was out tracking down Dean. Mary was who knows where and I was starting to worry, even though Sam said I didn't need to. Something felt off about her not being her. My gut was telling me she was in danger, but I wanted to trust my little brother. I was just reading my favorite fantasy novel to distract myself.

"What are you reading?" A voice suddenly chimed out.

I looked in the direction of the voice. It was Castiel and he was holding a sleeping Mary.

"Oh my Lanta! There she is! I've been worried sick."

"I could say the same about you."

"Well, I was in a coma. Somehow I took the damage when Gadreel beat the shit out of Crowls."

"Well, I'm glad you're okay now."

"Yeah, my ribs still hurt and so does my jaw, but nothing Tylenol can't fix."

I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. I looked at our daughter and rested my head on Castiel's shoulder. I stroked Mary's hair lightly.

"When will she wake up? How long has she been napping?"

"Uh, about that.."

"What happened Castiel?"

"There was an incident with Abaddon. She used Gavin, Crowley's son from his human life, and Mary to try and get him to stand down."

"What did she do to our daughter?!"

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen Crowley to ask. But she's been out for a few weeks. I think she'll wake up soon, though. Me and one of my closest and most trusted angels have been healing her twice a day every day, each. She is also showing signs of healing herself, which is good."

"Why would Abaddon hurt a child? Where is she!? I wanna crack at her before Dean does it."

"Sam didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Abaddon is dead. A day or so before Dean went to try and kill Metatron and got himself stabbed."

"Then why is Sam trying to find Dean?"

"I don't know. I think the blade turned him into a demon or something. I tried warning him about the blade."

"What blade?"

"Right... You were out for that bit. Well, short version. Dean has the first blade and the mark of Cain."

"HE WHAT?! Is he mental?! That destroyed Cain's humanity. Does Dean not know the longer he has the blade the more he loses his grip on humanity?"

"I'm not sure. But that's not why I'm here."

"Why are you here? If it wasn't to check on me."

"Mary is in danger. I have somehow gotten Metatron spies in my ranks. He's ordered a hit on Mary."

"He wants to kill a toddler!?"

"I believe so. That's why I brought her here. Only Crowley and I can enter and find this place without invitation. She should be safe here."

Fight For The FutureOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora