Girls, Girls, Girls

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I was currently laying on my hotel bed staring at the ceiling. I had ear buds in and Mötley Crüe flooding my ears. I was trying to ease my mind about the pregnancy, but nothing was working. Sam and Dean were getting ready to head out for lunch, I was supposed to be getting myself and Mary ready, but I needed to calm my nerves a bit. My thoughts were broken when I felt an added weight dip the bed. I jumped up and ripped out my ear buds. On the bed sat Mary, looking at me in worry. 

"Mommy okay?" She asked, cocking her head to the side a bit.

"Yeah, baby. Just, you gave me a heart attack." I replied. 

"Sowwy mommy." 

"It's fine baby. Let's finish getting ready, yeah?"

She nodded and got off the bed. I went to our bags and got the last pieces of our outfits needed. It was one of those random times where I wanted to wear 'Mommy and Me' outfits. I just had to grab Mary's headband and our shoes. I gently put the headband on Mary's head and then we slipped on our shoes, just in time for someone to knock on the door. 

I walked over to the door and checked the window by the door

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I walked over to the door and checked the window by the door. I sighed once I saw it was Sam and Dean. I opened the door and looked at my brothers. 

"Not that I'm happy we're getting food, but Dean. Why were you so insistent on stopping in this city last night?" 

"Doesn't matter. I heard it had good food." Dean said nonchalantly. 

I knew he was lying, but I want food so I'm not arguing. I turned around, grabbed Mary's hand and we all walked to the impala. Sam was at the back of the group and shut my hotel door. This was supposed to be a short lunch run, so I left the main diaper bag in the room. I keep a back up with diapers in it for when we run a little over what was intended. we all loaded up into the car and I situated myself and Mary into the back seats. For some reason the memories of all the times my brothers and I had in the back seat flooded my mind. All the memories with my brothers as well as the times I spent in the back seat crying about about Gabriel being killed by Lucifer or when I found out Castiel killed Balthazar. I was so swarmed by my memories that I didn't realize I had started crying nor that we were already at the diner. 

"Millie, come on. You go straight to the bathroom and calm yourself down. I'll take Mary in and I'll order your food." Sam's voice said in my ear softly.

"No salt. It makes me sick recently." I sobbed as I got out the car. 

I did as Sam said. I went straight in the direction the bathroom sign was. Once I was in the bathroom I completely broke down again. The pain of remembering Gabriel and Balthazar's deaths was too heavy. Add on the fact that I look pregnant in this tank top, and I was completely and utterly emotionally done with life. 

"I wish I was able to make deals with demons. I don't want this baby to be the death of me." I mumbled to myself. 

"I'm sure that won't happen." A soft woman's voice rang out behind me. 

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