Metatron Did Us a Favor

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A/N: The image above serves as your warning. As well as this. Also, this is almost a complete rewrite of the episode of the name 'King of the Damned'. I'm not the best at third person. Bare with me on this. I swear there won't be many if any more chapters after this in third person. Also this write out of the episode is just my personal interpretation as well as warping it to fit to plot line of the book. Also, a mix of episodes in this chapter.

Abaddon had hitched a ride on the spell to Leith, Scotland in the year 1723. On the very day a young Gavin MacLeod was preparing for his journey to America. The very voyage that would sadly end in the young lad's demise. She arrived just as the boy was packing up to head out on that voyage. The door rattled and was surrounded in a bright light as she was arriving. This took the boy by surprise and confusion. Then the door opened and there she stood in all her evil glory.

"What's that you say? 'Come in'? Don't mind if I do."

"Who are you? What do you want?" The very confused boy said.

"I'm a friend of the family. And I want you."

"I have no idea who you are. But, you'll be takin' your leave now. Thank you."

"Yes. You're packing. Sailing for the colonies. I know all about it. Change of plans."

When she reached out to start the spell, someone came in. This grabbed her attention.

"Ooh. What's this, then? Are we having a party?" The unknown male questioned.

Abaddon laughed before replying, "Yes. A farewell party."

She then used her demon powers to throw the unknown male into a coat hook on the wall behind him. The hook piercing his brain and killing him instantly. Abaddon then turned back to Gavin. She continued the spell return back to Crowley, after Gavin did the Catholic thing symbolizing the three bodies of God.

~Ohio 2014~

Crowley was now in a meeting with his closest "advisers", if you could call a bunch of demons that. He was trying to fix a set game plan on getting Millie and Mary back, as well as fixing Hell to its natural order. He thought they were on his side, but they were all on his enemy's side. He also didn't know that they had brought Mary and Millie with them to the meeting and that they were waiting on Abaddon to show up with the final piece of the puzzle.

Over in Winchester land, they were on their way to help out their feathered friend. Castiel had captured one of Metatron's less than smart operatives. He had gotten all he could out of him, which amounted to roughly nothing. So, he had called in Sam and Dean to take over the interrogation. Castiel was fed up with the angels dying because of Metatron. He was also trying to drag out of them if Metatron had Millie and Mary. The Winchesters, finally clued in on their sister and niece's disappearance, were to drag out any information they could.

Sam and Dean stepped out of Baby.

"This is the address?"

"Yeah." Sam replied.

They walked to the door. Just as they were about to knock, an angel opened the door.

"If you'll follow me, the commander will see you now." The angel said.

"The commander?" Sam muttered to his brother.

Sam and Dean followed the angel into the operative hideout. The nervous center of Castiel's angel army. Where they were tracking Metatron and his operative. A building he had taken over from the late angel Bartholomew. Most of Castiel's cult-like following also took over from the late angel Bartholomew. As they made it into the control room of sorts, ringing phones and busied chatter filled their ears. As they were lead to Castiel's office space they both looked around at what was happening around them.

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