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Liam Rawley

Kissing Brady the day before barely made a difference.

We were still watching the fourth season of Dexter and he haven't even mentioned the kiss. We just went on like any other day.

Brady paused the show, "Okay, The Trinity Killer might just be the best villain in television."He started and I was disappointed that he was just talking about the show," Just imagine, for Dexter, he thought that this guy was just a normal guy and he actually sees him as a friend but he turned out to be this crazy-"

"Brady, "I cut him off, "I know that it was probably nothing but what happened yesterday? You kissed me and I just don't know where our relationship stands now."

"I don't know either."He sighed, "I knew that it was a mistake but I did not regret it."

Him saying that just made me more confused. I needed to know whether or he liked me or he just wanted me to stop crying the day before.

"What do you mean by that?"I asked nervously.

"I mean that kissing you was something that I wanted to do for a long time."He said seriously.

"Can you just be straight with me?"I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest, "Why did you kiss me?"

"Because I like you."He blurted out and that made me froze.

"Y-you do?"I stuttered.

"Always have."He whispered and we just looked at each other intensively from a distance.

"And did you got it off your chest?"I asked.

"Yeah, kinda."He muttered.

"So, we can go back to before you kissed me?"I asked and I didn't know why but some part of me wanted him to say no.

"Sure, if you like."He said awkwardly.

"Okay," I muttered and sat down on the couch again, this time with more distance between us.

Brady unpaused the show and we watched the remained 8 minutes of it.

After it was over, instead of watching the next episode, he stood up, "I'm gonna go and wait in the car."

"Why?"I pouted.

"I feel like this more awkward than I thought it would be."He said honestly, "I just need some time to process everything...with the show I mean. That death kinda got to me."

He was obviously lying because he kinda looked upset. Although we didn't say anything about it, things were not we they used to be.

"Yeah, okay," I said awkwardly.


I was studying in my room until I heard someone opening the door.

"Brady?"I called but there was no reply, "Who is there?" I called out.

Still, there was no reply.

I decided to lock my bedroom door and call Brady on the phone, "Brady, someone is in the house."I said worriedly.

"I didn't see anyone come in."He mentioned, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I heard the door."I cried, "What if it's Ryan? He has been quiet for a while and-"

"Calm down, Liam," He said seriously, "I'm coming inside the house right now-" It sounded like he was opening the door to the house but he was suddenly quiet.

"Brady?"I asked, "Are you still there?"

"Yeah, I'm still here."He said frustratedly, "You can come down now."

I was still shaking after the mini heart attack that I had because I thought that someone had broken in but I went downstairs only to see Laurel with a cake and Tess was examining Roy, who was on the floor and it looked like he had a black eye while Dan took a selfie with him for laughs.

"What is going on here?"I asked.

"Happy birthday," Roy said even though it looked like he just got punched in the face.

"What happened?"I asked Roy.

"Just got punched in the face by your friend."He said casually, "I feel like I needed that."

"My birthday was a few days ago."I pointed out.

"We know."Laurel rolled her eyes, "We just wanted to wait for the weekend so you wouldn't see it coming but it backfired."

"If you were planning to break into the house at least tell his father first."Brady clenched his teeth, "I know you guys are still in high school but you must have at least more than one brain cell."

"Oi, "Tess stood up after letting go of Roy, "I don't like your attitude. First, you punch my boyfriend, and now, you're calling us stupid."

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I offend you?"Brady asked insincerely, "Cause' I don't care if I did."

"Brady, "I calmed him down because I knew that both he and Tess are aggressive and I don't want a fight to break loose in my house.

"Screw this," Brady said bitterly, "I'm going back to the car."

"As you should."Tess kept on pressing on Brady's button but he just ignored him and left.

"I'm sorry about that, Roy."I said sincerely, "Are you okay? Do you need Ice?"

"I'm fine."He assured and stood up, "But that guy sure knows how to throw a punch."

"This is perfect."Dan smiled widely at his phone, "I'm posting this." He showed us a selfie of him and Roy with a black eye.

"Hey," Roy said angrily, "Remember to tag me."

"At least blow on the candles." Laurel suggested, "And open the presents."

"You guys got me presents?"I asked.

"Of course we did."Roy tugged my hair, "You're our baby, of course, we have to."

"Literally no one is calling him that."Dan rolled his eyes.

"Well, thank you guys," I said genuinely, "I know that I didn't ask for this but I appreciate it so much."

"We're glad to hear that."Laurel smiled widely, "Now blow on the candles."


"I got you some cake?"I brought the plate to Brady's car. He was parked more closer to the house now and he was more focused on the surrounding, most likely worried that he might miss another person coming into the house.

"What flavor is that?"He asked.

"It's chocolate and vanilla but I know that you don't like chocolate because you're a basically a robot so I just got you the vanilla part," I explained.

"I don't deserve you."He said with a smile and grabbed the plate.

"Of course you don't."I joked.

"Well, happy birthday again."He said with a grin.

"Thank you, again."I rolled my eyes, "You can come and eat inside if you want."

"Yeah, not with your friends around."He said seriously, "I don't know if you know this but they're the most idiotic people I know."

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