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Brady Hutton

It was the second day of the dumb "After Foster Care Program" and being reminded of what I had been threw was way worse than to just bury it away. I'm not gonna lie, foster care isn't like what they show you in movies. It wasn't all that terrible and no, people weren't abusive. At least not in this town. I was sent into a few houses before they finally put me in a group home and that was where I met Ryan. We had each other backs and I didn't even plan to run away until he suggested it.

Anyways, the program was just a way to check up on us and see if we need any help or anything. We were in group therapy at the moment.

"So, is there a Brady Hutton here?"Carl, the therapist asked.

"That's me, "I said.

"Okay, Brady, it says here that you're a deputy at the sheriff's office and you have a nice house to stay at."He looked at his clipboard.

Technically, the house was my parents but I never really got to use it until I turned 18. Same goes with my trust funds. So, I was surprised to find out how rich I was after I left the system.

"So, I can go now?"I asked seriously. The first day was lame but the second was just depressing.

"Not quite yet."He leaned forward on his seat, "We want to know more about your mental health and how are you feeling after leaving the system."

"I'm great," I said casually.

"Care to elaborate on that?"He asked.

"Do I have to?"I cringe.

"Yes, I need to write a report and it will help if you open up just a bit more."He explained.

"Fine."I sighed, "Let me think...umm...I found a great person."I started, "And he's a guy."

"That's really nice."He smiled, "And anything else?"

"Umm...I stopped trying to find who killed my parents."I confessed, "I've been trying to do it for years and it was just getting too exhausting. Giving up hurt more than anything in the world and I almost thought I had nothing to accomplish anymore but then I met him. The only person in the world that doesn't treat me like crap."

"It doesn't sound like you're giving up."He remarked, "Sounds like you're moving on and that is a good thing."

"Am I late?"

The whole room turned to Ryan Finely who was smirking.

"I'm sorry, can I help you?"Carl asked.

"You're not supposed to be here."I stood up and was ready if he tried to do anything.

"Oh come on, I was in the system too."Ryan rolled his eyes, "Check for my name, Ryan Finely."

Carl checked the clipboard, "I'm sorry but you're not registered here."

"That's because he ran away, "I said bitterly.

"I'm sorry Mr. Finley but we can't have you in this program if you're not in the listing," Carl said politely.

"In other words, go fuck yourself, "I said to Ryan.

Deputy HuttonWhere stories live. Discover now