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Brady Hutton

"Just please come home and we can settle-"

I sighed when I heard the voicemail from Liam. I wanted to go home and be with him. I wanted to apologize to him and tell him how much I regretted calling things off with him. Ryan had brought me back to the dark place that I used to be in when we were younger and hearing from Liam after so long actually made me realized that I'm not the person I was at that exact moment.

"You ready for your next flight?"Ryan came inside the motel room.

Nonetheless, I still couldn't get back home. I already got myself in too deep and if I left Ryan alone, chances are both he and I will die in a matter of days.

I don't know exactly which gang Ryan pissed off but these people were not people you want to mess around with. Rumour has it that they sell guns illegally and have killed before.

"Yeah, sure whatever, "I mumbled.

"Someone's in a mood."He rolled his eyes.

"If my life doesn't depend on this, I would have let them kill you weeks ago, "I said seriously.

"I'm not gonna reply to that so..." He shrugged.


"Stop that."Liam let out a chuckle and shoved the camera away, "It's creepy."

"It's not my fault you look amazing in that outfit," I said jokingly.

It was the day that Liam and I had our second kiss at the carnival and I just discovered a video that I recorded of us together on my phone.

"Anything you want to say to our future selves?"I asked Liam.

"Yeah, don't piss this guy off."He said sarcastically, "Anything you have to say, big guy?"He asked me.

"Dear future Brady, "I started, "Don't fuck up."

I miss that moment because we were truly happy then. We didn't had any arguments about me being secretive and I wasn't disappearing on him.

I put my phone inside the locker and went to the ring, where I jogged through the loud crowd.

My opponent came in a few seconds later and my jaw dropped after seeing how big he was.

His arms were filled with veins and his muscles looked bigger than anything I have seen before.

I was obviously not ready for that but I wasn't expecting anything less on the semi-finals.

"If you have doubts, remember that our lives depend on this," Ryan said casually.

"I swear that when all of this is over, I'll make sure that your the one in this ring with me, "I said in a straight tone.

The guy swung for the first punch instantly after the bell rung but I managed to avoid it and punched him in the face but that did not affect him, instead that made him angry.

My only thought was how do I beat a guy this huge?

I came up with the idea to aim for the legs but he managed to avoid my kick. He picked me up with his shoulder and placed me on the corner before his fist connected to my fast and it never stopped.

The referee tried to stop him but he refused and went as far as shoving him onto the floor.

He was still punching me and I could feel myself drifting away as I coughed up blood. The bell was already ringing, signaling that the guy was disqualified.

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