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Liam Rawley

We haven't heard of Ryan in a while and I was getting paranoid that he had something planned. It might all be in my head but I've been looking left and right everywhere I go. Having Brady around to look out for me was nice but he wasn't going to be there at school. With that being said, I wasn't surprised to see Ryan standing outside of the school with his friends.

"What's that look for?" Brady asked me.

"I guess he's back." I pointed at Ryan for Brady.

"Surprised that he's still alive after disappearing for so long." Brady said casually, "Do you want me to walk you?"

"In that uniform?"I raised my eyebrows. There's nothing wrong with being wearing a the deputy's uniform but walking with one at school just seems overdramatic, "Being in this car already gives me enough attention."

"Fine," He sighed, "But I'm waiting outside of the car from a distance."

"Okay," I nodded and was about to get out of the car. I wanted to kiss him but I also didn't want Ryan to see us together because he might use that against me.

I got out of the car and noticed Brady did the same but he just laid back on the door with his arms crossed above his chest, glaring at Ryan.

I was forced to passed by Ryan to get to the door. I tried to keep my head down and not get their attention but that seemed impossible.

"Well, would you look at that?"Ryan said with a smirk and I noticed that his face was busted up for some reason. It looked like he was beaten up by more than one person. Probably explain why we haven't heard from him for so long.

I tried to walk away but one of them blocked my way.

"You know, "Ryan started, "I never did got a second kiss."

"Please leave me alone."I begged, "You have been doing this for months. Aren't you bored of this?"

"Not really."He said and cupped my face before pressing his lips on mine while I struggled to escape his grip.

That's when I heard a grunt as Brady tackled Ryan to the ground, "I'm giving you three seconds to walk away."Brady picked Ryan up from his collar and held him like that," Or you know what happens after that."

"This kinda reminds me of our time in Texas."Ryan smirked, "Remember when we went to settle-"

"Just get out of here."Brady shoved Ryan away.

"Okay then, "Ryan waved him goodbye with a smirk, "I'll see you at work."

"We don't work together."Brady clenched his teeth.

"Yeah, just in case I get myself into any crime."Ryan winked at him before going away with his friends.

"You okay?"Brady asked me softly.

"I don't know."I said honestly, "I felt violated when he-"I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"Hey," He said softly and was about to grab my wrist but I pulled them away quickly.

"Don't touch me."I accidentally said loudly and crossed my arms over my chest, "I'm sorry. I just feel uncomfortable right now."

I don't know what got into me but suddenly having even Brady touch me made me felt really uncomfortable. Maybe I just didn't like the way Ryan took over my entire body and I just couldn't look at Brady in his eyes.

"I get it." He mumbled, "I'll see you after school."

I nodded as he turned around to get to the car.

I truly felt bad for acting like that to Brady. I mean, he was just trying to comfort me and I should just have let him do so but I couldn't even man up for that.

Brady Hutton

I caught some guy trying to break into a car and brought him straight to the office to lock him up.

Before Liam came into my life, all I did was work. But now that he's around, I'm suddenly a tv show type of guy, the guy that listens to other people's problems, the guy that celebrates holidays with other people and that changed my life for the better. I love catching criminals every day but sometimes it just gets depressing seeing people get hurt in the process.

"What's on your mind, deputy?"The sheriff asked me after I kinda drifted away in my thoughts.

"I don't know what to write on this guy report," I said awkwardly.

"What do you mean?"He asked.

"He doesn't have an Id with him and refuses to tell me his name, "I explained.

"Just leave it blank, we have a protocol for this."He said casually, "You can continue patrolling."

I nodded and was about to walk away before stopping and turning around again, "I think you should know that Ryan tried to make a move on Liam again."I said.

"What?How?"He asked angrily.

"He forced himself on him and kissed him, "I explained, and saying those words out loud suddenly made me angry again.

"What did you do about it?"He clenched his teeth.

"I shoved him off and made him walk," I mentioned.

"You did what?"He asked angrily, "Why didn't you bring him in?"

"You know these people, sheriff," I defended, "All of them would just deny it and that would be the end of it."

"Even so, we can't just let him go after he does something like that."He said sternly, "They might think that we got soft on them."

"I'm sorry, okay."I sighed, "All I know is that Liam is safe with me near him."

"Oh yeah, and where were you when this happened?"He raised his eyebrows and I didn't really have an answer to that, "Maybe I should get another deputy for this."

"Don't do that."I said seriously, "No one can protect Liam the way I can."

"I'm pretty sure that every deputy in town has the same training as you."He pointed out.

"You can't do that because-"I chocked, "Because Liam and I are together."

He froze.

"Well shit then, Hutton."He said shockingly calmly, "You just made things way more complicated."

Deputy HuttonWhere stories live. Discover now