Weapon X Pt. 2

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You and Laura sat in plane behind Logan. You were both silent the entire way. Better not to make him mad again. You and Laura kept to looking out the window while Logan flew the plane. It was about an hour before he began to descend from the sky and touched down.

Logan: We're here.

You and Laura both stood up as Logan walked by the both of you. You followed him out of the jet to find yourselves in a wooden area. You and Laura followed him to a nearby hill. You were all wearing your gear now and you came to the realization that you needed a new uniform. The matching spandex might be charming when you're with your team but alone, you just looked like a dork.

Y/N: So, this is Canada?

Logan: This is where I was turned into what I am now.

Y/N: A midget with anger issues?

Logan: A weapon.


He contiued forward while you looked at Laura. She just shrugged and the two of you followed Logan. It took another five minutes before you reached a chain linked fence. Logan wasted no time in slicing a hole into it and climbing through. You held the fence open a bit more for Laura before you stepped into the site as well.

It looked like a lab of some kind used to be here. Or some kind of military compound.

Y/N: What is this place?

Logan: This is the site of the Weapon X program. This is where I got the adamantium fused to my bones.

You looked at Laura.

Laura: I got mine during my childhood in the Weapon Y program.

Y/N: So if I was too copy your powers...

Logan: You'll only get bone claws. Not as pleasant, if I'm being honest.

You took note of it as you all entered the ruined building. Looks like it's been out of commission for years. Broken glass was scattered everywhere, vines grew on walls, and the faint smell of chemicals filled your nose.

Hopefully they weren't toxic.

Logan lead you two to a bigger room where a glass tube was located in the center. A broken glass tube. Logan looked at it before he felt a painful surge go through his brain.

Logan: Ah!

He grabbed his head while you and Laura took a step towards him.

Y/N: Logan?!

Logan: Who's messing with my head?!

Logan dropped to his knees. You switched your power to telepathy to try and calm him down. You got into his head and saw the flahses of memories he was seeing.

He was inside the tube. He was being experimented on. Painful, torturous experiments. Inhumane tests. The pain he felt, you now felt. It was horrible.

You felt his need to escape. To leave this place and never come back.

You got out of his head and held your head.

Laura: What just happened?

Y/N: I tried to link to his mind. It was, awful.

Logan stopped freaking out and looked over to a large door. He ran over to it and popped out his claws. He began to slice at it mindlessly and violently.

Laura: Logan!

You ran over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Y/N: Logan. It's me. Y/N.

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