38: Hinata Vs Neji

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"So you decided to fight after all. I was beginning to think that you had decided to do the sensible thing and give up? You're really have a guts," Neji said in a prideful tone. Naruto look sourfully to Neji. The other member of SoK was now on high alert.

Hinata, for her part, simply watched him without responding. She looked at Neji with a blank expression. She look so cold.

"What is your problem with me Neji-san?" Hinata asked coldly.

"I know that you hate the main family, but what does that have to do with me? I am no longer a part of the Hyuga clan," Hinata was really confuse why.

"That's exactly the point," Neji said with a smirk.

"What?" HInata asked in confusion.

"You are so worthless that you weren't even placed into the branch family. You were sealed and kicked out into the street like the garbage you are," Neji said.

Naruto clench his fist. He knows that Hinata is strong but he was really worried. Sasuke comforts Naruto and assure him that they will all move if Neji did something beyond their moral.

"Fine, I you refuse to tell me then that is your decision. It doesn't affect this match. Prepare yourself Neji-san," She said. She was no longer looks like a lost puppy before who don't know what to do in her life. She went to her Tiger Gale Taijutsu that combines with her Ice Release. Her hands was glowing and Neji can feel the cool breeze rising above where they are.

"I see you have given up on learning the jyuken style. It's for the best as you were pathetic at it, just like everything else in your life," Neji said as he went to his gentle fist stance.

"Begin!" Hayate commanded.

Both of them activated their byakugan.

Neji rushed toward Hinata in an attempt to finish the match quickly. He expected Hinata to react as she used too and lose her nerve. However, he soon learned how dangerous Hinata really was. He attempted to strike her in the chest with a jyuken strike, only for Hinata to sidestep at the last moment. Neji attempted to catch her off guard with a quick strike. However, Hinata flipped backward and once again avoided a hit. She was not stupid, she knew the dangers of the Gentle Fist style. Her hand immediately form an ice and shot Neji's arm to form a frostbite.

Often called the "Gentle Fist Style", the jyuken was composed of focusing chakra to expel out of the body and damage the opponent's internal organs. A single strike to the chest could damage the opponent's heart and kill them, while leaving the skin untouched. Even blocking was dangerous as it was not possible to block the chakra that was expelled into the opponent's body. But being an Iryo Ninja, she knows how to deal with it.

Knowing this, Hinata simply dodged every strike by Neji. No matter how swiftly or relentlessly he struck, he was unable to hit Hinata. If Neji was asked, he would say that it was like trying to hit a Tiger plus the danger of the Ice forming from her hand is also hard to deal with. She always seemed to be able to slip out of an attack at the last minute, but she still refrained from attacking.

"What are you waiting for?" Neji asked in anger. He was very angry that he was not able to hit her. He had expected this fight to be over quickly, but Hinata was much more formidable than he had anticipated.

"I want to know why first," Hinata said calmly.

"Why?" Neji asked in confusion.

"Why are you acting this way? Tell me that," She explain.

"I thought that it didn't matter," Neji said with his smirk returning. His pride was wounded so he wants to heal it by taunting her.

"I would like to know before I defeat you," Hinata said definitively.

"Fine then, you want to know why you disgust me? The reason is simple. You walk around laughing, joking, having a good time as if you were happy with the way your life turned out. You were once a part of the Hyuga clan, the most powerful clan in Konoha, and were kicked out. Instead of doing whatever was necessary to rejoin the clan you decided to accept your banishment and live the life of a commoner. You act as if the life you live now was better than the life you had in the clan and defile the position you once held as the Hyuga heiress," He look to Hinata with disgust.

"Why do you care?! You hate the main family for what happened to your father. I would expect that you would sympathize with me as we both know the pain that the main family can cause," Hinata said with the same amount of mockery. She really can't deal Neji and his hate to her.

"I was upset with what happened to my father, but I realize that it wasn't the main families' fault. It was fate. My father was born second to yours so he was placed in the branch family where his fate and destiny was to protect the main house. He died because it was his fate to die for the main branch," He replied.

"So you think the main branch is right to treat the branch family like they are inferior to them?" Hinata asked in shock. For as long as she had known Neji, she had never expected him to say this.

"It is their fate to be below the main branch and to serve them. As is yours," Neji said simply.

"So you accept your place as little more than a slave?' Hinata asked in anger.

"No, tell me Hinata. Who do you think is the heir of the Hyuga clan now?" He said with a wide grin.

"My sister Hanabi of course," Hinata said with a sick feeling beginning to rise in her stomach. Why do she felt something was wrong?

"No, Neji is now the heir," Lee muttered. He forgot to tell it to Naruto which guilt rises to Lee. With that, Naruto's heart begun to beat fastly while looking to Neji.


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