15: Wave Mission

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"I won! 10,244 for me and 10,243 to you," Naruto grin as Sasuke roll his eyes.

Both of them already finish 20,487 combined Rank D Mission. In every well, they could do around 350 D-Ranks ever since they become an ANBU. Sometimes the Hokage himself didn't want to give the two D-Rank Mission since they are both enjoying themselves and use it as their competition.

"You've just broke our tie. We'll be equal again or I'll surpass you next time!" Sasuke said. Naruto chuckle and stare to Kakashi and Sakura innocently. They just started a week before and they already done 324 this week. The most exhausted to them is Sakura who can't even have their staminas and energies after their mission.

"Seriously?" Kakashi mutter. This two is Monster. He expected for them to complain to curse him and make their misery as his entertainment. But he was wrong, the two boys clearly enjoying the D-Ranks while competing to each other and arguing to each other.

"The two even slips their mask and let Kakashi saw some of their true abilities like Shadow Clones, Wall Walking, Body Flicker, Water Walking, Tracking, even a simple information gathering while doing D-Rank Mission.

Kakashi himself despise the D-Rank. But now seeing that D-Ranl can help to train, he can't help but to join with them.

"Reporting to Hokage-Jiji we've got Tora the cat. Safe and sound for another time breaker, 3 minutes!" Naruto exclaim. Iruka who's seating next to Hiruzen drop his jaw. Clearly they just got the mission, 3 minutes ago and here they are, already reporting.

"Another D-Rank? Jiji?" Naruto ask innocently. Hiruzen shook his head.

"Your team already got every D-Rank for today. From now on team 7 is ban to take D-Rank above 3 every 2 days!" Hiruzen declare.

"What?! No! No! No! Jiji! Don't ban us!" Naruto cry in anime tears making the other members of Team 7 boink his head.

"Baka! We just finish that Tora the demon mission and you want more? Oh please give me a break!" Sakura exclaim.

"You'll be having your first Rank-C mission. And don't complain again, Naruto," Hiruzen said.

"But, Hokage-sama they are just a genin," Iruka complain.

"Iruka-sensei is right, Jiji we are only a genin and we deserve another D-Rank mission!" Surely Kakashi now know how much Naruto loves D-Rank Mission.

"No! Thats final! You'll have your C-Rank Mission!" Hiruzen said authoritatively. He let Tazuna enter the Hokage's office.

"So this bunch of Kids will protect me? Surely they don't look like a ninja specially that Shorty man of yours," Tazuna is hiccuping because he was drunk. Naruro flinch and ready to attack the client but Sasuke stop him.

"Who's shorty huh! I am ninja, and soon I will become a Hokage, believe it!" He shouted on the top of his lungs. Kakashi also stop Naruro who struggling to pass Sasuke.

"I am Bridge Builder, Tazuna. You must protect me with your lives," Tazuna said determinedly.

"Kakashi here is a Jounin old man. We are also train to be a Ninja. Surely a few bandits will not defeat up. Unless..." Sasuke smile creepily but because he didn't smile often, they didn't know about it.

"Meet us on the gate after 2 hours," Kakashi said. Sakura immediately dash away as Tazuna. Hiruzen dismiss Iruka first before Naruto and Sasuke face the Hokage.

"I have a hunch that this mission is not a simple C-Rank Mission," Naruto said completely opposite to his expression a while ago.

"You're still going to continue?" Hiruzen ask.

"We never reject any Mission unless its against our belief. And I am curious to this guy too," Naruro said grinningly.

"Naruto, may I request something?" Both Naruto and Sasuke face the Hokage.

"Can you take the hat after this mission?" Naruto don't know what to react. Even Sasuke didn't know how to.

Surely, Naruto as Hashirama already become a Hokage. But this time is too different, the Naruto here is the pariah of the village. And he is a certain that he will have a long road to be accepted.

"I don't know, Jiji," he whisper.

"Give me your answer after this mission," Naruto nodded use Body Flicker with Sasuke to prepare for their mission.


Sakura is the only one who's talking to their group. Surprisingly, Naruto had been so quiet ever since they travel. Kakashi gave them a lecture about the five great nation and their kages. Sakura even wonder how Hiruzen is strong.

"Jiji is strong, he survive two great ninja war and was call professor and God of Ninja after the title of Hashirama-sama at his prime. Even if he was now old, he still had tricks to his sleeves," Naruto immediately defend Hiruzen. Kakashi eyed to Naruto and suspiciously saw how Sasuke elbowed him.

He saw how Naruto snapped but he just started to become quiet. Ever since he got this group, he was actually suspicious to Naruto and Sasuke hiding a lot of secrets to him.

He respect them if they will not tell him their secrets. As long as this secrets will not harm anyone nor the village.

After walking another 30 minutes, they saw a puddle which alerts the three. Sasuke immediately dash and make a fire technique to deal the puddle. This time, the demon brothers, Gozu and Meizu appear with their chains.

Naruto let Sasuke deal the two with his Shurikenjutsu. Naruto and Sakura protect the Bridge Builder as Naruto summon a lot of clones to circle with Tazuna.

After a while, Sasuke manage to tie them using their chains proficiently. He activate his ESM and hypnotize to two.

"Who are your target?" Kakashi on the other hand was amaze to Sasuke's move. It wss two fast even with his Sharingan on.

"Bridge builder, Gatou send us to kill him," Gozu emotionlessly said.

"Is there any ninja he hired other than you?" Sasuke ask again.

"Haku a member of Yuki Clan and Momichi Zabuza," Meizu replies emotionless.

Both Sasuke and Naruto widen their eyes. It seems that this mission will be much more interesting than they thought.


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Sasuke's Harsh Words

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