ChPtR 5: Trouble

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AN: sorry about the long wait, but I hope this goes good! And also Thankyou for being patient with me😭😭 anyways! Let's get to it!
___________________________________________________ "w-what happened? What was...that!?" Izuku looked around, along with the rest of us. hearing and seeing the trees crash and swing with intensity "I don't know myself! We gotta RUN!!" I yelled looking at his shaking figure. " it's not safe to be out in the open like this!" Mirio warned. "Everyone! Hold on to Me!!" Neijire yelled, then she started to glow. We all ran towards her and grabbed on. "What For?!" I yelled looking around to see who's causing this huge disaster around us.

"Hasta...lien..trey.." with the last word. "NIE!!" And slammed her palm to the ground. With her expression frozen and shook. "What..." "How..Why Is It Not WORKING!!!" Tamaki yelled. "I-I don't what's going on!" Everyone started to panic at this point. "Don't Worry Guys! I can Help!" I let got of Nejire and pulled out my bow and an arrow. But the crashing and loud trees stopped.

We all stood. Scanning the area. I finally used my sensing skills. "Guys..." they all looked towards me and shocked to see my shaking state. "I'm......sensing...DRAGONS!!! GO!!!!" I shot an arrow towards the tree, noticing the whole tree shook, sensing I hit it one. But soon pissing it off.

Finally the dragon Roared! And the tips of the wings suck out of the tree. Yellow scales. Everyone started running away, "Watch Out! There's 5 Dragons here!! " your Kidding!" "No!! I'm playing! YES!! There's 5 Fucking Dragons IZUKU!!!!" I screamed. But a huge shadow flew above us with another roar, we all looked up. Pink Scales. Soon the dragon turned in our direction. "It's gonna fire!!" Mirio's yelled. And Nejire casted and shield spell and countered the dragons flames from devouring us. "W-we need T-to get o-out of here!!" Tamaki yelled. I had no choice.

"IZUKU!!!" The moment I turned my head I saw the Biggest Red Dragon behind Izuku's tiny frame and I ran so fast I didn't catch my breath "IZUKUUU!!!!" I saw the dragon pull back its head. Any moment. Suddenly an arrow shot by its mouth. "Bastard!! " I froze. (Who's voice...) I slowly looked around, then growls were lowly heard. We all looked in the direction. A man. Tall. Blonde. Ferocious. Dragon.

This man looked very dangerous. To his red blood eyes that would kill on site or the way he stares to make death a better option. His broch with sharp teethes that he could have saved as a souvenir. His cape, maybe he's the leader. The muscles that could easily rip someone apart like paper. And the tattoos were adding on to his frightening demeanor and his dragons surrounding him and the two dragons I shot at looked like they were staring into my soul.

"Fuck.." (I shot two of his dragons...why have you forsaken me Gods) " YOU..." I looked up at him. "I know what you are." My eyes widened. (He...knows?) *Bang!* the blonde man was shot by one of Nejire power spells and flew. "Come On!!" Mirio grabbed me arm and we all started running. At the same moment the dragons went ape shit and all roared and two of them went to help their master...I think, and the other two came for us. The Dark Blue Dragon was getting scarcely close to us. I quickly pulled two of my arrow and aimed my bow towards it and fired within seconds.

"ROOARR!!!" "Bingo." I got both it's eye's which will cause the pink dragon to fall back and help the other, as planned. It worked they both stopped, which is good, it'll by us some time. *BOOM* a huge explosion landed right in front of us, the air blew over and hit us like a wall. Causing us to immediately fly backwards to the ground. After a few moments of trying to get my vision back, I tried to get up and look to see how everyone is. "D-damn.."

I body shook as I tried to get up "I-Izuku, where..." I looked up to see the blonde devil man raising Izuku in the air with his big tough hands around his neck. And Izuku struggling agianst his grip, gasping for air. "So...You must be the Interference." "S-stop it" the blonde turned his head, I still couldn't see him clearly my vision was still fuzzy. "Hah!?" "I Said Stop It!!!" I finally reached my Limit.

I Had Enough! No One Hurts Him! No One Touches Him!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!! I shapeshifted into my 8ft Wolf form, with my golden hues. I growled menacingly towards the blonde. "Well...This Just Got A Hole Lot Better. It's What I'd Expect From You." What the hell is he talking about. "It's About Time I Got To See For Who You Really Are." I saw him grin. I don't think I like where this is going. But I'll show him.

I ran towards him top speed. At that moment he grinned and threw Izuku out of his way, seemed like Izuku fell unconscious. I whimpered a little. But my focus quickly went back towards the blonde. "Fuck You." At the late moment I disappeared. And appeared right behind him. By the look on his face. He was surprised, by my attack.  Be afraid, cause I'm not backing down. I bit his cape and swing him in one direction and slamming him down into the ground. "AAGH!!" I saw him spit out blood.

I quickly wasted no time to run back to Izuku and grabbed him by my mouth and carefully picked him up, I ran towards the others, they saw me for who I am, but didn't question or give me any looks, I kneeled down and them getting the idea, they hoped on my back. No One Hurts them. And hurried and picked up my speed quickly.

I took one last glanced behind me and saw him facing the forest. But his head turned slightly. With his other dragons glaring in our direction.  Why did they Stop? What's their Plan now? Who are they After now? Will they Find us? Will they try to Hurt them again? NO! Not Happening. "Don't worry (Y/N), this isn't fucking over. NEVER.) As he stared at my form running away from him in the forest.

"I Hope I NEVER See Him Again. But Something Tells Me I Will. Fuck."

A/N: Well That Concludes This Chapter! I Hope it was good! Sorry, again! Been busy, but I still ain't giving up on this story! And I'm Skrry if the fighting scene isn't all that good I know🥲 but thanks for reading always!😭😭 Thankyou and see y'all next Time!!! Van OUT!!🙏😘

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