Chapter 16

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Clarissa closes the door to Cutler's Hall and finally lets out the breath she's been holding. She leans against the black railings, gripping onto the cool metal for support; it is a relief to be out in the open again. The meeting went as well as could have been expected given the circumstances, however, she didn't anticipate how much those dark eyes affected her. 


Clarissa jumps slightly and turns around. Simon loiters in the dark of the neighbouring building but as he speaks he comes out of the shadows, looking troubled. She immediately cases the surrounding area but luckily no one seems to be paying attention to either of them. She smoothes her skirt and stands up taller, she can't show weakness to her soldiers. 

"This isn't 10 meters," She says sternly, pointedly looking at the lack of distance between them. 

"I know," He says, looking bashful, "But I was coming to get you." 

"Why?" She demands, not unkindly, "I wasn't nearly 40 minutes." 

His gaze falls to the ground and his feet play with the small stones on the road. His voice is meek when he talks, "I know but I got...I got worried." 

Clarissa sighs and places a hand on her hip.  Although the people of The Strand respect her and have faith in her ability, her gender still makes them more eager to protect her than if she were a male. It's something she has slowly grown accustomed to as her guards have grown accustomed to standing down and letting her handle herself. The boy knows he was close to making a mistake, regret and frustration are clearly on his face. 

 "Well I am alright, you did a good job, Simon." She says with a hint of praise. 

He lifts his head hopefully, "Even though I spooked too soon?" He still looks annoyed with himself. 

Clarrissa inclines her head, "That will come with time and practice, soon you'll instinctively know when to stay and when to act,"

He seems mollified at her words and he nods his head. 


Clarissa arrives back at the pub half an hour later. Peter, Chuck, Jack and Iwan are all gathered around the bar, their heads pressed together, deep in conversation. They turn around when she opens the door and enters with Simon. She walks over to them, keeping her expression neutral, and sits on one of the stools. 

"Could I have a water please?" She asks Chuck, who immediately picks up a clean glass. 

"How did it go?" Peter voices the question that's on everyone's tongue. Chuck sets the water in front of her and she curls her hands around it, the cool glass feels soothing against her skin. 

"Not perfect," She takes a sip, "He refused, naturally."

"So we are at war?" Peter exhales slowly. She nods and closes her eyes. There is a sharp intake of breath from Jack while Chuck grows thoughtful and Iwan looks worried. 

"What do we do now?" Jack asks, his hand resting on his pistol. 

"We wait for Lestrade and Baines." Clarissa replies, not looking at any of them. 

"If they don't agree?" He presses. She hears the danger in his voice. She faces him and sees his fingers running over the trigger of his pistol. She bites her lip, how she wishes she could pull the trigger and this would all be over. She looks up, everyone's eyes are firmly fixed on her. She knows what she has to do. 

"If they don't agree," She states clearly, "Then I will do everything in my power to kill Daniel Cavendish." 

Clarissa spends the rest of the afternoon with Peter as they plot the best way to handle the upcoming meeting. After running through every scenario under the sun and practising her polite and diplomatic responses she leaves the pub at 5  and wanders home. She manages to slip into then house and up to her room without disturbing anyone. 

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