Chapter 33

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The rest of the week flies by and Clarissa manages to avoid her parents and societies gaze by hiding in The One-Eyed Duke. Her walk with Daniel often plays on her mind, and her talk with Grace about the late duke also persists in clouding her thoughts. It seems there is no escape from the Cavendish family but they are a problem for a late date. While she has managed to escape picking flowers and choosing ribbons she has had her own problems to handle. 

There was a ripple of discontent and a stirring of anger when the announcement of her wedding reached the ears of her people, but as she had predicted it didn't amount to much more than a few grumbles. In fact, many people have abandoned their restatement for her fiancé and offered her their fervent congratulations. The only person who is not concealing their unhappiness at her upcoming nuptials is Jack. He shoots her withering glares whenever he sees her and often leaves the pub when she enters it. Flo promises that he will come around and see the advantages of the marriage but Clarissa isn't so sure. Hatred and rivalry can do funny things to a person. 

This morning, she snuck out of the house before 9 am and hurried to The Stand under the cover of a large hat and parasol. She now sits in the empty pub, hidden away from eager eyes and gaping mouths, a cup of tea in her hand. She leans back in her chair and glares at the chessboard in front of her. Iwan is at school and everyone else is busy with errands so she is forced to play herself.  Her fingers dance over a pawn as she tries to visualise her next series of moves. The usual intense focus and strategy that is needed to play against an opponent are missing and she takes no enjoyment in trying to capture her own king. 

The door opens and Peter walks in, his arms full of boxes. He carries them to the office, nodding to her as he passes her table. When he comes back out, five minutes later, she still hasn't moved the pawn. 

"I see you are hiding in here again," He comments, sliding into the chair behind the white half of the board. She moves the pawn two squares and then looks up at him. "Weddings are stressful times, can you blame me for needing a little peace?"

"No, but imagine there are a hundred and one things that need doing before tomorrow," He pushes one of the white bishops forward. She stares intently at his piece, analysing the potential risks of this attack. She decides to move another of her pawns before replying.

"The wedding is in the capable hand of my mother and Grace. Alice and Daniel's housekeeper are handling moving my things, therefore I am redundant to everyone."

He takes her pawn and advances his castle, targeting her queen, "But you have the hardest job of all,"

"I do?" Clarissa moves her queen to safety.

"You have to fool the most important people in England  into thinking that you love a murderer," 

She frowns and speaks tightly, "They don't think he is a murderer, let alone a criminal," 

"But we know better, don't we?" The warning is clear in Peter's voice. He is reminding her who it is that she has made a deal with and what type of man she is to marry, "All eyes will be on you tomorrow and you cannot afford to make a mistake," He says, flicking his bishop the right. 

She doesn't reply, concentrating on the board. It surprises her how easily she put the deaths of those prostitutes into the back of her mind, the murders that were obviously at the hand of her fiancé. A small triumphant smile pulls at her lips. 

"How can I forget?" She says, using her pawn to take his castle, putting it in the direct path of his king, "I will never forget," 

Peter can remind her of Daniel's deeds as much as he pleases. She has similar bloodstains marrying her conscience, her hands are no cleaner than his. She will not forget what he has done but she will not condemn him either. 

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