Chapter 26

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Clarissa sinks back into her hard chair, focusing on the man in front of her. Now that their friends and family have gone he seems to have relaxed and leans back in his chair, surveying her thoughtfully. She isn't quite sure what he is trying to read on her face but either way, she stays neutral and composed. 

"I thought it best to discuss the finer details on our own," Daniel says, resting his chin on the tips of his fingers. 

"I agree," Clarissa replies, folding her hands in her lap. His intense scrutiny is getting under her skin, "Where would you like to begin?"

His silver eyes seem to glow as he studies her but then he breaks his stare and reaches into his desk. He pulls out a stack of parchment and an ink pen. 

"First off, you will have to live in this house, with me. You will get your own private quarters but my housekeeper Mrs Hill will organise any redecoration of the house if you like." The nib scratches, his spiralling writing quickly darting across the paper. 

"I understand, I expect to spend most of my time in The Strand anyway," Clarissa says, "Which actually leads to one of the most important conditions," 

He finishes the sentence with a flourish and looks up, "Do go on," 

She is pleased to see she has his full attention, "The Strand is mine and you cannot interfere with how I run it. If you need my resources or my help then you will come to me and we will work together, but other than that we leave each other's territories alone," She pauses, allowing her point to sink in, "Lestrade and Baines are a joint problem so we will make the decisions together, as equals, you will not sideline me. What's mine is not yours," She tilts her head, "But you can have my dowry."

"Has anyone one told you that you are rather forthright." He says, a smile curling his lips. His expression isn't one of annoyance but one of slight admiration. 

"Many, many people." She retorts, her eyes flashing, "Are we agreed?"

"Agreed," Daniel says, lowering his pen and beginning to outline her condition.

"Excellent," She says, permitting herself to feel a slight stab of victory. She looks around the room as she waits to move on to the next point. She notices the Cavendish family crest hung above the fire and a thought crosses her mind making her frown. 

She sighs, "You should know that by marrying me, you will gain a title,"

He pauses writing and blinks up at her, "I thought your family had no titles?"

"In this country, but my mother's family runs quite deep in France. By becoming my husband, you will be the Count of Clermont-Ferrand."

"You are a countess?" He says, astonished. 

"A French countess, I have a house and some land but it means nothing here and with the state that France is in it is better to not acknowledge it," She winces, "Who knows what the future of the French aristocracy is, but I thought you should know," 

Daniel sits back in his chair, "I am glad to know," 

The way he is looking at her is disconcerting, it is as though he is trying to read her entire life story from her face. It is true that not many people know about her title and by telling him she is exposing more about herself than she likes, but he has no right to watch her like he is. His gaze is dangerous and she refuses to be captivated by his sinful eyes, she is too smart for that, right? 

"Shall we get back to it?" She prompts lightly, glancing towards the document they are drawing up. He shakes his head to clear it and then puts pen to paper. They run through every point they can think of, from money to family, to carriages and the agreement to kill Baines and Lestrade. Although there are a few disagreements amongst the forced amicability, they actually work well together and think along the same lines. It surprises them both. 

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