Chapter 29

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Clarissa is relieved when the rest of the afternoon goes a lot smoother however Marie and Silas start to interrogate Daniel, asking questions about everything, from his family to his day to day life. Luckily the duke answers each question with the utmost politeness, although he bends the truth about the illegal parts for the benefit of Clarissa's parents. As he opens up and talks about himself Maire and Silas seem to relax and become genuinely interested in their guest and future son in law. Silas even manages a friendlier handshake as Daniel stands up to leave. There is still hesitation in Mr Lenoir's face but he appears won over by the raw honesty that both Daniel and Clarissa have displayed. Marie kisses the duke on the cheek before he leaves and makes him promise to call again but Clarissa manages to usher him out of the room, saving him from replying.

The tension drains from her shoulders as soon as she shuts the door on her parents and it's just her and him. Daniel smirks at the visible relief on her face.

"It wasn't that bad," He says, leaning against the wall. She shoots him a withering look but ignores his comments and strides down the corridor to the front door. She pulls it open and gestures for him to get outside. She knows that they need to talk but she can't risk having this conversation inside her house. No doubt there is a maid or two eavesdroppings in some hidden compartment. He complies and walks over to her, stepping out onto the street. She joins him on the pavement, closing the door behind her.

"You surprised me yet again," Daniel comments.

"I could say the same," Clarissa replies, taking his arm and gently leading him around the side of her house, away from prying eyes and ears. Once they are out of sight she steps back and surveys him thoughtfully. Standing in this alley in his dark green coat with a deep look on his face, he looks like temptation wrapped up in an expensive suit. His expressive silver eyes follow her every movement and her mind wanders back to his passionate declaration.

She clears her throat and looks to the ground, "That speech of yours was very compelling."

He shrugs lazily, "I said what I had to, and thankfully your parents lapped it up," His mouth curls up, "It's a wonder you are so bright,"

Clarissa bristles, "Their optimism is blinding them,"

His raised eyebrow tells her that he does not believe her.

"Stop goading me," She snaps before he speaks and infuriates her more. He wisely closes his mouth, smirking at her. She sighs, brushing a curl from her cheek.

"Thank you for coming," She mutters begrudgingly, not looking at his smug face, "Although it was for your benefit as well as mine,"

He grins, "I'll call as much as you like if I get the same greeting every time,"

Her eyes widen as she thinks of their unexpected embrace, but she refuses to let herself blush.

She stares at him levelly, keeping a cool composure, "It occurred to me that seldom people love who they marry as they seldom marry who they love. Love matches are rare and most of the time it's a lack of distaste, not love, so that means we have to appear more in love than anyone else." 

"You may touch me whenever you wish," He says with a cheeky grin, "But I thought as much, I think you shocked your mother though,"

Clarissa rolls her eyes, although the sensation of being pressed against his hard body still lingers against her skin, "Yes well, she has barely seen me talk to a man, let alone throw myself at one."

He laughs. It's a deep velvety chuckle that echos around the alley, his face lit up with mirth. She observes him in surprise, her lip caught between her teeth as he stops laughing.

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