(𝟸) 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚘𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚠

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The heavy, pouring rain covers the tracks of my falling tears. 

Water blinds me as I glance up, towards the unforgiving gray sky. Every morning is dark and murky, but the rain adds to the hopelessness of everything. 

The rare sight of the sun is sometimes enough to set me dancing, celebrating. Thankful for such a small, insignificant thing.

My dress, hair, and satchel lie limp and low from the water. I feel like a soggy sponge, ready and waiting to be squeezed and have it all be over. 

Waiting for my end. 

I drag my sleep-deprived eyes to my right and see the reason I had stayed in this war zone. 

The back of his head is against the concrete wall, his eyelids closed. The rain pours down his features, a small waterfall cascading down his chin and further soaking his black shirt. 

Small, undetailed fragments of scattered memories flow through my mind. 

Swimming at a pool. 

Playing in the shade. 

Running through warm sand.

An icy draft sends my white hair flying around my head like a snowstorm, my bones chilling to their core. Caspian doesn't shiver, but I have the urge to cut off more of my dress for his sake. Even though some dirty white fabric really wouldn't do anything for warmth. 

My thoughts dance around the fact that this is the male from my childhood. I rub my tired eyes, wiping off the wetness from the sky only to have it return, and take another look at the wounded man next to me. The part of my dress wrapped around his arm is light red. Blood.

Is the wound still bleeding? I had taken the bullet out yesterday—why hadn't it clotted?

Stop caring. 

I swallow hard and slowly get up, forcibly numbing my feelings. I shouldn't care, yet here I am, agreeing to stay with him until morning.

And morning had arrived, it seemed. 

Stupid, naïve Phoenix. This is so dangerous. One wrong word could have me, us, killed. 

I reach down and grab my satchel softly, daring one last look at him. At that face that had refused to leave my mind since my eyes came across it. 

He shivers, the cold rain seeping further into his hair, his clothes, his shoes. 

Quite possibly his soul. 

Stop caring, Phoenix. 

I turn away and close my eyes, letting the rain pour down on me, letting it seep into my soul, too. 

I take a few steps down the alley, my dress sticking tight to my skin, making it difficult to move. 

"So you're leaving." I flinch and turn towards the voice. His eyes are still closed, his head still against the wall. 

"How did you—"

"You're leaving." He opens his eyes, his white irises boring into mine. 

"It's really none of your concern." I say, my voice drowned out by the thudding of the rain drops against the asphalt. 

Go quickly, my mind tells me, before you lose your nerve and decide to stay.

I disobey, rooted to my spot. 

"I think it is my concern. You saved me, and therefore I must stay with you until my debt is fulfilled." He says, completely serious. He remains sitting and crosses his legs in a child-like manner. I steady a hand against the concrete wall as a strong, vivid memory of him flashes roughly through my mind.

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