(𝟷𝟼) 𝙿𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝙿𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛

106 41 151

Five white-haired boys slump to the floor, the sounds of their lifeless bodies hitting the asphalt worse than any scream or cry. Thin streams of crimson ooze from the holes in the center of their chest, and I stare, unable to look away from the five lives that were just robbed.

Robbed by Delmira Alois.

The murderer herself huffs out through her mask and straps her two shotguns to her belt, her companion following suit, silent as a lethal shadow. River's eyes cradle an emotion akin to pity as both Terminators turn towards us.

My mouth is dry as I swallow, and I glance to Fallon, who is still gripping her small gun, her beautiful face pale and bloodless as they scan over the poor dead kids.

"How—how could you." My words stumble over each other, shock and disgust radiating from my very being.

Delmira frowns, her brows scrunching up. "How could I what?"

I gape at her, resisting the urge to stomp up to her vile face and land a slap so hard her cheek would bruise for weeks.

"How could you kill them like that, you coward." I spit, my fingers curling into tight fists.

River tenses up, but not at my crude words—rather, at Delmira's single threatening step towards me. I stand my ground, my very blood pounding in my ears.

"I'm a Terminator. I kill." Cold, cruel words—eyes that are shaped like Darcio's glare at me, yet the look of hatred is anything but that of Delmira's brother. "And who the hell are you to be speaking to me like that?"

"You kill real threats, not children! These were young boys—they hadn't even attacked!" I yell, and Fallon silently grips my arm. A warning to back down.

"Listen here, newcomer—"

I don't break Delmira's piercing gaze as I immediately interrupt her. "You are a disgusting, shameless, cowardly human being, and you do not deserve this position." My voice brews flames, and I stand taller.  "You're like him. The One. You kill in fear of being killed, regardless of who is posing the threat. You're not a real rebel." 

Fallon's fingers tighten around my arm as Delmira takes another step closer, and I ignore the repeated warning behind Fallon's squeeze. 

"Don't compare me to The One, you bitch." Delmira says slowly, and the sharp insult has River placing an arm on her lower back—a signal for her to stand down, back away.

"Delmira. Let's go." He says quietly, his eyes inconspicuously peering into mine as if conveying a wordless apology for his companion's insult. I ignore the pointed look.

Fallon's timid voice echoes around the alley. "We need to get the food, Phoenix." She says, a slight tremor in her voice. After a few seconds, I nod once and turn, cringing at the sight of the boys' bodies—their streams of blood cascade towards us, and I refuse to stare at that violent scarlet.

"Go check your privileges, Delmira." I say calmly, yet white-hot flames stand guard behind my words.

"Shut up, bitch. You don't know what I've done to get where I am." Her vicious snarl ricochets off the high walls of the alley, and River wraps a gloved hand around her upper arm. "We're going Delmira." His words are laced with a command, and Delmira snaps towards him, her eyes poisonous.

He peers down at her, his own eyes uninterested yet intense. "Where's your training? We've been in the same spot for too long." He looks to me, then Fallon, and his gaze lingers on her pale face. "Thank you for the gold, Fallon, and for agreeing to meet us here."

Fallon's words are shaky as she dips her chin. "You're welcome." She pauses, not taking her eyes of the Terminator. "We're all in this together, so no need for any thanks."

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