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Each person residing in the Base is assigned a Position, decreed by one of the Tops (Raeyan, Kenna, Darcio, Weylin).

There are five Positions to be chosen from at the Base:


▪Retrievers go out to retrieve sustenance, such as food and water. 

▪Must wear appropriate, lawful attire to not attract any unwanted attention. 

▪Females with this Position must keep their hair white and long, and be clad in the required white dress. No visible weapons. 

▪Males with this position must also abide by the law, keeping their hair white and clothes black. No visible weapons.

▪All Retrievers must wear a hidden Tracker, for Communicators to know of their whereabouts.

▪Food is stored in the Bunk Rooms, underground.


Terminators are sent out to kill. 

▪Their duty is to dispose of Enforcers, for the purpose of learning their weaknesses, as well as determine if they are human or artificial beings.

▪Once targets are eliminated, Terminators are required to seize the weapons and gear of the dead Enforcers, and bring them back to the base. The body(ies) may be discarded.

▪Terminators must wear all black, regardless of gender, and wear Trackers.

▪Door 7, Death Records, is where Terminators record how many have been terminated, and when. 

▪Acquired weapons are stored in a top-security room, away from the seven doors.


▪Healers are in charge of tending to the sick or injured. 

▪They are assigned this position because of previous medical background, or recent training. 

▪Occasionally, they may be sent out to assist those in need, such as an injured Terminator, Retriever, or Sympathizer.

▪Door 4, Emergency Treatment, is where they cure and assist those that require their assistance in the Base. 


▪Sympathizers are sent out to persuade others to join their cause, and the Base. 

▪Sympathizers may be away from the Base for weeks at a time, the persuasion of others requiring patience, understanding, and time.

▪They must be clad in legal clothing: females in white and males in black. No illegal hair colors. 

▪Sympathizers reveal information about the Base when attempting to convince targets. 

▪If any distrust/betrayal is suspected from targets, Sympathizers will kill them.

▪The names of every person residing in the Base are located on the Receiver, in the room that leads to doors 1-7.


▪Communicators deal with communications between those in the Base and those outside it, such as Terminators, Sympathizers, or Retrievers.

▪They track the locations of their fellow rebels, and send help when necessary (anyone leaving the Base is required to have a Tracker on them).

▪The Mainframe room, door 2, is where Communicators track every person wearing a Tracker.

▪Computers, devices, and most of the Base's exclusive tech reside in the Mainframe room. 

▪Communicators are rarely sent outside.




Anyone who leaves the Base must have a Tracker on them.

All Trackers include an emergency button.

Once pushed, Communicators are alerted and send the required assistance.

Trackers are small, flat, square shaped devices that can be attached to the arm, leg, thigh, or waist, wrapped by a band of rubber.

All Trackers must be concealed.


The Base contains only one Receiver.

The Receiver is unable to send and receive calls/texts.

It is used to record the names of all those who reside in the Base. 

Only the Tops have access to this device, which can only be unlocked with their fingerprint identification.

This is to ensure the safety of all the rebels, should the Base be infiltrated by enemies. 

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