Shipwreck and Shark

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(Aboard Eric's Ship) Third Persons POV

Eric and his younger sister Anya are on his ship. Enjoying sailing as the men fish. Anya turned sixteen about a month ago and it's nearly time for Eric's eighteenth birthday. Which they will be celebrating on the ship at sea. "Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face?" Anya asks her brother .

"Sure is a perfect day to be at sea" Eric agrees with a smile.

"Oh, yes. delightful" Grimsby grumbles and vomits over the side of the ship.

"A fine strong wind and a following sea. King Triton must be in a friendly-type mood" a sailor states.

"King Triton?" Eric and Anya ask him curious.

"Why, ruler of the merpeople, lad and lassie. Thought every good sailor knew about him" the sailor states.

"Merpeople!Anya and Eric, pay no attention to this nautical nonsense" Grimsby tells them.

"But it ain't nonsense, it's the truth! I'm tellin' you, down in the depths o' the ocean they live" the sailor states.

(Atlantica) Third Persons POV

The concert begins as Sebastien directs the band. King Triton's six oldest daughters begin to sing and dance.

"Ah, we are the daughters of Triton.
Great father who loves us and named us well:
Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Attina, Adella, Alana.
And then there is the youngest in her musical debut,
Our seventh little sister, we're presenting her to you,
To sing a song Sebastian wrote, her voice is like a bell,
She's our sister, Ar-i..." they gasp as Ariel is not in the giant shell.

"Ariel and Tyson" Triton growls as he holds his triton. That glows brightly with his anger. Tyson was suppose to make sure all his sisters were present for the concert. Yet both he and Ariel are nowhere to be found.

(Open sea) Tyson's POV

Hello, my name is Tyson and I am the only son of King Triton & Queen Athena. I have seven sisters. They all share a room, while I have my own room across from them. Ariel and I are the youngest at sixteen, but I was born first. Which I never let her forget.

Attina is the oldest at 22, she's really bossy at times and loves to read history books. She has a pet cat fish called Fin-fin. Next is Alana and she's 21. She loves trying new health and beauty products. Adella is 20, she's a little boy crazy and I always have to keep her out of trouble. Next is Aquata at 19 and she loves water sports. After her is Arista at 18 who loves to play with the Cat Fish Club Band. Lastly is Andrina age 17, she loves gossip and playing pranks on everyone.

Anyway lets get back to Ariel and I. As I said we're the youngest in our family. Ariel loves to collect things from ship wrecks. We both love to play the piano and often do duets together.

But there's a lot of pressure on me as the only boy. Dad expects me to look after all seven of my sisters and make sure no one breaks their hearts. Easy for him, he never had seven sisters to watch over.

You'd think as one of the youngest my life would be easy. But when I'm not chaperoning my sisters. I'm training with the royal guard, patrolling Atlantic, and am a door man at the Cat Fish Club. I have very little time to myself to relax or do things I enjoy. Like playing piano, reading nature books and tending to injured wildlife.

Anyway today Ariel wanted to go to a ship wreck near shark territory. So Flounder and I are going with her. Flounder is trying to talk her out of it. But she ignores him. I feel like we've forgotten something important, but ignore it. Focusing my attention on our surroundings, watching for sharks. "Ariel, Tyson wait for me!" he shouts and we stop swimming to look at him.

"Hurry up Flounder" I tell him.

"You know I can't swim that fast" he reminds me as he finally catches up to us.

"Quiet you two, there it is. Isn't it fantastic?" Ariel asks us looking at the sunken ship. I look at it praying nothing was under it while it sunk. We swim towards it cautiously.

"Yeah . . . sure . . . it - it's great. Now let's get outta here" Flounder tells us.

"I agree, father would be mad if he knew we were here" I tell Ariel.

"You're not getting cold fins now, are you?" Ariel asks us with a smirk.

"Who, me? No way" Flounder tells her.

"Of course not, but father would be furious if he knew we were here" I remind her.

"We won't be here long and he never has to know" she states.

"It's just, it, err . . . it looks - damp in there. Yeah. And I think I may be coming down with something. Yeah, I got this cough" Flounder tells us. He starts to fake cough.

"All right, we're going inside. You can just stay here and - watch for sharks" I tell him. As Ariel swims in through a port hole. I follow her. She immediately starts to put trinkets into her bag.

"Sharks! Ariel! Tyson!" Flounder shouts swimming into the port hole getting stuck. I chuckle. "Tyson . . . I can't . . . I mean- Ariel help!" he shouts. Ariel looks over and lets out a small laugh.

"Oh Flounder" she says shaking her head.

"You grab one fin and I'll grab the other" I tell her. She nods her head. She grabs to left flipper while I grab the right. We start to pull.

"Ariel, do you really think there might be sharks around here?" Flounder asks her.

"Oh Flounder don't be such as guppy. Tyson was just messing with you" Ariel tells him.

"I'm not a guppy" he whines and we finally pull him free. We continue to explore the ship. Ariel and I collecting more trinkets. "This is great - I mean, I really love this. Excitement, adventure, danger lurking around every corn..." Flounder starts to say and screams. He rams into us and I see a human skeleton. I roll my eyes, what a guppy.

"Hey Ariel check this out" I say picking up some sort of minnie triton.

"Oh my gosh! Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?" she asks us as she takes it from my hand.

"Wow, cool! But, err, what is it?" Flounder asks her.

"I don't know. But I bet Scuttle will" Ariel tells him as she puts it in her bag.

"Looks like a minnie triton to me" I tell them. But Ariel ignores me as she finds another trinket.

"I wonder what this one is" she muses out loud. I hear something outside. I look the window seeing a huge shadow.

"Ariel" I say.

"Will you two relax. Nothing is going to happen" Ariel tells Flounder and I. Suddenly a shark smashes through the window.

"Swim!" I shout at them. They swim out of the room while and I slam the door behind us. I swim after them. "We gotta get out of here, follow me" I tell them and swim for the porthole. I zoom through it and turn to see Flounder get stuck again. "Seriously Flounder?" I demand and start to pull as Ariel pushes from the other side.

We got him free and Ariel swims through the port hole. The shark follows smashing the porthole to pieces. I have it follow me through an anchor ring and it becomes trapped. Ariel and I laugh. "You big bully you" Flounder says sticking his tongue out at the shark. Who snaps at him and he screams hiding behind me.

"Flounder, you really are a guppy" I tell him with a chuckle. As we swim away from the sunken ship. Flounder follows us grumbling.

"I am not" he whines. I roll my eyes. We head to the surface to go talk to Scuttle the seagull.


Picture above of Tyson with Ariel. Video above of the concert and picture on the external link of the shark.

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