Scuttle and Lecture

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Tyson's POV

We reach the surface and spot Scuttle on a rock playing with a spyglass. We swim towards him as he spots us through it. "Scuttle!" we say in greeting as we wave at him.

"Whoa! Mermaid and Merman off the port bow! Ariel, Tyson how you doin' kids?" he asks us looking through the spyglass. He puts it down and sees us right in front of his rock. "Whoa, what a swim!" he exclaims.

"Hi Scuttle, Ariel has somethings to show you" I tell him.

"I do, look at what we found" Ariel says handing him her bag of trinkets.

"Yeah - we were in this sunken ship - it was really creepy" Flounder states.

"Also we were nearly killed by a lone shark" I add.

"Human stuff, huh? Hey, lemme see" he says flying down from his perch. He digs through the bag and takes out the minnie triton first. "Look at this. Wow - this is special - this is very, very unusual" he tells us.

"What is it?" Ariel asks him.

"I thought it was a minnie triton" I tell him.

"Well you are wrong my boy" Scuttle tells me. "It's a dinglehopper! Humans use these little babies . . . to straighten their hair out" he states. He starts to twirl it through his feathers. "See, just a little twirl here and a yank there. And voila! You got an aesthetically pleasing configuration of hair that humans go nuts over" he declares patting his puffed up feathers.

"A dinglehopper" Ariel says happily as she takes it from him.

"What about that one?" Flounder asks pointing to another trinket.

"Ah - this I haven't seen in years. This is wonderful! A banded, bulbous - snarfblat" Scuttle tells us. We all awe at it's name. "Now, the snarfblat dates back to prehistorical times, when humans used to sit around, and stare at each other all day. Got very boring. So, they invented the snarfblat to make fine music. Allow me" he says and blows into is. Sand and seaweed pops out the other end.

"Music?" Ariel and I ask.

"Oh no the concert, I knew we forgot something" I groan.

"Our Dad it going to kill us" Ariel states as she puts the trinkets back into her bag.

"The concert was today?" Flounder asks us. I nod my head.

"Maybe you could make a little planter out of it or something" Scuttle mutters looking at the snarfblat. Ariel takes it from him and puts it in her bag.

"Uh, I'm sorry, we gotta go. Thank you Scuttle" Ariel tells him. I lead the way back to Atlantica.

"Anytime kids, anytime" Scuttle tells us. We dive under the sea racing back to Atlantica. We run into an angry father. We bow our heads apologizing for missing the concert.

"I just don't know what we're going to do with you both, young man and lady" he grumbles.

"Daddy, I'm sorry" Ariel tells him.

"We just forgot" I add lamely.

"As a result of your careless behavior..." dad starts to say.

"Careless and reckless behavior!" Sebastian exclaims.

"The entire celebration was, er..." Dad tries to continue and Sebastian cuts him off again.

"Well, it was ruined! That's all. Completely destroyed! This concert was to be the pinnacle of my distinguished career. Now thanks to you both I am the laughing stock of the entire kingdom!" Sebastian roars.

"But it wasn't their fault!" Flounder exclaims. "Ah - well - first, ahh, this shark chased us - yeah - yeah! And we tried to - but we couldn't - and gr and we whoa oh, and then we were safe. But then this seagull came, and it was this is this, and that is that" he states.

"Seagull?" dad demands and I glare at Flounder as he hides behind Ariel. "What? Oh - you both went up to the surface again, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?" he demands.

"Nothing happened" I try to reassure him.

"Oh Tyson, Ariel. How many times must we go through this? You both could've been seen by one of these barbarians - by - by one of these humans!" dad shouts.

"Daddy, they're not barbarians!" Ariel yells.

"Ariel, be quiet" I plead as I hold her arm.

"They're dangerous. Do you both think I want to see my youngest childern snared by some fish-eater's hook?" dad demands.

"We're 16 years old" I remind him.

"He's right, we're not children anymore" Ariel states.

"Don't you take that tone of voice with me young man and lady. As long as you both live under my ocean, you'll obey my rules" dad orders.

"But if you would just listen..." we try to say.

"Not another word - and I am never, NEVER to hear of you going to the surface again. Is that clear?" he demands. Ariel swims away crying. Flounder and I follow her. Leaving dad with Sebastian. Ariel heads for her hidden cave.


Picture above of Tyson's view of Scuttle, Ariel and Flounder. Picture on the external link of King Triton and Sebastian on the throne.

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