Day with Anya

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Tyson's POV

I woke up and got ready for the day. Then go to the dining room to see Anya alone. "Eric, left with Ariel already. Saying they'd have breakfast outside" Anya tells me. "And Grimsby had business to attend to" she adds. I mime writing and she gives me a pad with a quill.

"What will we do today?" I ask him.

"I thought I'd give you a tour of the palace and explain some human things to you" she suggests. I nod my head with a smile. We had breakfast. Before starting the tour. She explained to me what fire is, what a pipe is and many other things.

As we walked down a hall I paused seeing a piano in a room. "Tyson" Anya says confused when she notices I'm no longer by her side. I enter the room and run my fingers over the piano. "That's a piano, we play music on it" she tells me. I nod my head. I sit down and play a few keys testing it. "You play?" she asks intrigued as she sits beside me.

I nod my head. "Will you play for me?" she asks and I hold my finger up. "You have a condition?" she asks and I nod with a smile. "What?" she asks. I open my mouth gesturing to it. "You want me to sing?" she asks confused and I nod my head.

"Oh no, I couldn't" she states getting up. "I don't sing in front of people ever" she tells me. I cock my head in confusion. She sighs sadly. "I haven't song in public since mine and Eric's parents died" she admits.

I grab her hand giving it a squeeze. She smiles. I gesture foe her to sing again. "Ok, but tell no one" she tells me. I smile and start to play the piano.

"Once a lass met a lad
You're a gentle one, said she.
In my heart I'd be glad
If you loved me for me.
You say your love is true
And I hope that it will be" Anya sings.

"I'd be sure if I knew
That you loved me for me" I sing with no words.

"Could I be the one you're seeking?
Will I be the one you choose?
Can you tell my heart is speaking?
My eyes will give you clues" she sings.

"What you see may be deceiving,
Truth lies underneath the skin" I sing with no words.

"Hope will blossom by believing" she sings.

"A heart that lies within" we sing together.

"I'll be yours!
Together we shall always be as one,
If you love me for me" I sing with no words.

"I'll be yours" I sing as she sings. 'Who can say where we'll go'. "Together we shall always" I sing with no words. As she sings 'Who can promise that we'll be'. "Be as one" I sing as I look into her eyes. She sings ' But I'll stay by your side'.

"If you love me for me.
If you love me for me" we finish the sing. I play the last key on the piano. I look at Anya, who has sat back beside me.

"That was fine, it was almost like I could hear you singing with me" she tells me. "If you sing as well as you play, you'd have girls lined up to date you" she states. I smile and hold her hand. She smiles back and kisses my cheek. "Come on, the tour isn't over yet" she tells me. And we left the room.

We continued our tour until our siblings returned. I noticed their damp clothes. So did Anya, but she said nothing about them. Ariel and Eric got changed. We then all had dinner together. Before retiring to our respective rooms for the night.

I fell asleep dreaming about a future with Anya. And Ariel with Eric. Not knowing that Ursula was placing a spell on Eric as I slept.


Picture above of the castle and video above of the song. (That's how I imagine them sounding and I don't own the video or photo).

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